[netmod] [IANA #1373241] RE: Regarding draft-ietf-netmod-rfc8407bis

Amanda Baber via RT <iana-issues@iana.org> Fri, 06 September 2024 05:52 UTC

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Hi Med, Kent,

I apologize for missing this. 

In the 4.30.3 note about creating names, a replacement like this might be better for IANA:

OLD: (e.g., "3des-cbc" will be "triple-des-cbc" (Section 6.3 of [RFC4253]))

NEW: (e.g., "3des-cbc" will be "triple-des-cbc" (Section 6.3 of [RFC4253]); "6to4" will be "sixToFour")

The "6to4"/"sixToFour" example is taken from the iana-if-type module, published in Section 2 of RFC 7224.

The reasoning here is that the note says that "the procedure MUST detail how IANA can generate legal identifiers from such a name." 

Because we're being told that this is an example of an IANA Considerations section providing sufficient detail for future registrations, it would be helpful for us if the note were to acknowledge, at least implicitly, that future authors may not be able to supply a single naming pattern that we can always apply automatically.

The missing piece of information here, I think, is that IANA operations staff didn't know (and, in the future, may not know again) that "3des" is pronounced "triple-des." As such, it's possible for us to read the current example and wonder whether IANA is being told to replace any leading number in an identifier with a multiplicative. 
