[netmod] Query about augmenting 'config false' YANG
"Ivory, William" <william.ivory@intl.att.com> Fri, 15 December 2017 14:03 UTC
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From: "Ivory, William" <william.ivory@intl.att.com>
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Thread-Topic: Query about augmenting 'config false' YANG
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Hi, I'm running into a problem where my YANG is being rejected by a NETCONF client that claims it can't find the node being augmented. The YANG snippet below shows the problem which relates specifically to augmenting a node that is 'config false'. AFAICT from reading RFC 6020, this is valid YANG, but I would appreciate confirmation from the experts! Pyang is quite happy with this. Thanks, William --- sample yang to show problem --- grouping state-grouping { container state { config false; leaf state-grp-state-leaf { type string; } } } container test { container state-cont { config false; leaf state-leaf { type string; } } } augment /test/state-cont { // Augment 'config false' container directly works. leaf augmented-state-leaf { type string; } } augment /test { uses state-grouping { // Augment here fails - 'state' not found. augment state { leaf aug-state-grp-leaf { type string; } } } }
- [netmod] Query about augmenting 'config false' YA… Ivory, William
- Re: [netmod] Query about augmenting 'config false… Robert Wilton
- Re: [netmod] Query about augmenting 'config false… Ivory, William