[netmod] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8342 (5514)

RFC Errata System <rfc-editor@rfc-editor.org> Fri, 05 October 2018 09:48 UTC

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The following errata report has been submitted for RFC8342,
"Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA)".

You may review the report below and at:

Type: Technical
Reported by: Rohit R Ranade <rohitrranade@huawei.com>

Section: C.1

Original Text

     <hostname or:origin="or:learned">bar.example.com</hostname>

     <interface or:origin="or:intended">
         <enabled or:origin="or:default">true</enabled>
       <address or:origin="or:learned">

     <interface or:origin="or:system">


Corrected Text

     <hostname or:origin="or:learned">bar.example.com</hostname>

     <interface or:origin="or:intended">
         <enabled or:origin="or:default">true</enabled>
       <address or:origin="or:learned">

     <interface or:origin="or:system">


There was no "origin" attribute to the "system" top-level container, though it is a configuration node.
As per the extension definition "The origin for any top-level configuration data nodes must be specified."

To choose an extension for top-level container in such cases, I would prefer one of the origin of its children and used "intended". , instead of "unknown".

This has already been discussed in the mail chain, but also mentioned here to help readers in future.

This erratum is currently posted as "Reported". If necessary, please
use "Reply All" to discuss whether it should be verified or
rejected. When a decision is reached, the verifying party  
can log in to change the status and edit the report, if necessary. 

RFC8342 (draft-ietf-netmod-revised-datastores-10)
Title               : Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA)
Publication Date    : March 2018
Author(s)           : M. Bjorklund, J. Schoenwaelder, P. Shafer, K. Watsen, R. Wilton
Category            : PROPOSED STANDARD
Source              : Network Modeling
Area                : Operations and Management
Stream              : IETF
Verifying Party     : IESG