[netmod] leafref and identityref
Ladislav Lhotka <lhotka@nic.cz> Mon, 21 October 2019 11:27 UTC
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Hi, consider the following situation: module A { ... prefix a identity X; leaf foo { type identityref { base X; } } } module B { ... import A { prefix a; } leaf fooref { type leafref { path "/a:foo"; } } } What is now a correct lexical form of fooref's value? Could it be just 'X', or is the prefix required, i.e. 'a:X'? This is not very clear from RFC 7950 (sections 9.9.4 and 9.10.3). I am inclined to require the prefix. Lada -- Ladislav Lhotka Head, CZ.NIC Labs PGP Key ID: 0xB8F92B08A9F76C67
- Re: [netmod] leafref and identityref Ladislav Lhotka
- [netmod] leafref and identityref Ladislav Lhotka
- Re: [netmod] leafref and identityref Martin Bjorklund
- Re: [netmod] leafref and identityref Martin Bjorklund
- Re: [netmod] leafref and identityref Ladislav Lhotka
- [netmod] A reworking of RFC8343 tom petch
- Re: [netmod] A reworking of RFC8343 tom petch
- Re: [netmod] A reworking of RFC8343 Martin Bjorklund
- Re: [netmod] A reworking of RFC8343 Dmytro Shytyi
- Re: [netmod] A reworking of RFC8343 Schönwälder
- Re: [netmod] A reworking of RFC8343 Dmytro Shytyi
- Re: [netmod] A reworking of RFC8343 Schönwälder
- Re: [netmod] [OPSAWG] draft-shytyi-opsawg-vysm-04 Dmytro Shytyi
- Re: [netmod] [OPSAWG] draft-shytyi-opsawg-vysm-04 Schönwälder