Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll - instance-data
Balázs Lengyel <> Tue, 09 October 2018 15:06 UTC
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From: Balázs Lengyel <>
To: Martin Bjorklund <>
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Thread-Topic: [netmod] WG adoption poll - instance-data
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Subject: Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll - instance-data
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OK, If the chairs are happy with that, I can update the document before I store it as an official netmod document. regards Balazs On 2018. 10. 09. 14:25, Martin Bjorklund wrote: > Hi, > > Balázs Lengyel <> wrote: >> Hello Martin, >> >> I agree that this document shall be about defining the file format, >> and server capabilities shall only be a use-case.) >> >> I already took out a lot of text, that explicitly recommended using >> instance data for documenting capabilities. Server capabilities are >> only mentioned in the introduction chapter. >> As you wrote: There is no _normative_ specification of how a server >> would document its capabilities, because this is >> what the WG requested, so I removed it. > Hmm. Ok, if this is what the WG wants, then it is fine to just have > server capabilities as an example use case. (I thought that the WG > wanted a normative description of server capabilities...) > >> I see that I forgot to change the title and the introduction can be >> reworded to make >> it more clear that documenting server capabilities is just a use-case. >> (I still see it as the primary use-case for instance data.) > I think all text in 2 Introduction (except the last para) in this case > should be moved to section 2.1, and new text should be written in 2. > > (*if* there will be a separate doc for server capabilities, the text > in 2 should be moved to that doc instead.) > >> If I promise to change the title and clarify the introduction can you >> support adoption? > First of all I'd like to ensure that the WG in fact just wants to do > the file format. Since people have expressed support for adopting the > draft with the current title, I'm not so sure that this is the case. > > I think you should make those changes, and I support the adoption of > the modified document. I don't see any reason not to make these > chanegs before posting as a WG doc. > > > /martin > > > >> regards Balazs >> >> On 2018. 10. 09. 12:58, Martin Bjorklund wrote: >>> Hi, >>> >>> I still think that this draft should either be split into two, one for >>> specifiying the generic file format (ok with examples), and one for >>> "Documenting Server Capabilities", or the document should just be >>> about the file format (+ *examples*). >>> >>> [The current document mixes the two; it's a bit as if we had "The >>> YANG language and a model for interfaces" as one doc...] >>> >>> It is clear that the document specifies a file format for YANG >>> instance data, which is good. But it is not clear if the document >>> intends to specify how a server should document its capabilities. >>> >>> The Introduction mainly talks about why it is important to document >>> server capabilities. But then AFAICT there is no normative >>> specification of how a server would document its capabilities. >>> >>> >>> /martin >>> >>> >>> Lou Berger <> wrote: >>>> All, >>>> >>>> This is start of a two week poll on making >>>> draft-lengyel-netmod-yang-instance-data-04 a working group >>>> document. Please send email to the list indicating "yes/support" or >>>> "no/do not support". If indicating no, please state your reservations >>>> with the document. If yes, please also feel free to provide comments >>>> you'd like to see addressed once the document is a WG document. >>>> >>>> The poll ends Oct 22. >>>> >>>> Thanks, >>>> >>>> Lou (and co-chairs) >>>> >>>> _______________________________________________ >>>> netmod mailing list >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> netmod mailing list >>> >>> >>> >> -- >> Balazs Lengyel Ericsson Hungary Ltd. >> Senior Specialist >> Mobile: +36-70-330-7909 email: >> >> -- Balazs Lengyel Ericsson Hungary Ltd. Senior Specialist Mobile: +36-70-330-7909 email:
- [netmod] WG adoption poll Lou Berger
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll Alexander Clemm
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll Xufeng Liu
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll Tianran Zhou
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll Qin Wu
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll - draft-lengyel-net… Balázs Lengyel
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll Ladislav Lhotka
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll Martin Bjorklund
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll Robert Wilton
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll Ladislav Lhotka
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll - instance-data Balázs Lengyel
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll Joe Clarke
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll - instance-data Martin Bjorklund
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll - instance-data Balázs Lengyel
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll - instance-data Robert Wilton
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll Reshad Rahman (rrahman)
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll Susan Hares
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll - instance-data Kent Watsen
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll - instance-data Juergen Schoenwaelder
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll - instance-data Balazs Lengyel
- [netmod] Server Capabilities [was: Re: WG adoptio… Balázs Lengyel
- Re: [netmod] WG adoption poll (draft-lengyel-netm… Lou Berger