Re: [nfsv4] 4.0 trunking

David Noveck <> Thu, 08 September 2016 00:15 UTC

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From: David Noveck <>
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2016 20:14:58 -0400
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Subject: Re: [nfsv4] 4.0 trunking
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> But I can't find any further discussion of how a client might make that
> determination.  Am I overlooking it?

It's actually in section 5.8 of RFC7931.

I've only been keeping draft-ietf-nfsv4-migration-issues alive because of
the section dealing with issues relating to v4.1.  Otherwise, I would have
let the thing expire.  The next time I update this, I'll probably collapse
sections 4 and 5 to a short section saying that all the
v4.0 issues were addressed by publication of RFC7931.

> (It appears that the Linux client is trying to do that by sending
> a setclientid_confirm to server1 using the (clientid,verifier)
> returned from a setclientid reply from server2.  That doesn't look
> correct to me.)

It seems kind of weird but the idea is that if you get the same clientid
from two server IP address they are probably connected to the same server
(i.e are trunked), but there is a chance that having the same clientid is a
coincidence,  The idea is that if these are the same server using the
verifier will work but if they are different servers it won't work but will
be harmless.

On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 5:20 PM, J. Bruce Fields <>

> In
> issues-10#section-5.4.2
>         In the face of possible trunking of server IP addresses, the
>         client will use the receipt of the same clientid4 from multiple
>         IP-addresses, as an indication that the two IP- addresses may be
>         trunked and proceed to determine, from the observed server
>         behavior whether the two addresses are in fact trunked.
> But I can't find any further discussion of how a client might make that
> determination.  Am I overlooking it?
> (It appears that the Linux client is trying to do that by sending a
> setclientid_confirm to server1 using the (clientid,verifier) returned
> from a setclientid reply from server2.  That doesn't look correct to
> me.)
> --b.