[nfsv4] Re: question about delegated timestamps (delstid draft)

Thomas Haynes <loghyr@gmail.com> Tue, 10 September 2024 16:02 UTC

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From: Thomas Haynes <loghyr@gmail.com>
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Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 09:02:12 -0700
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To: Jeff Layton <jlayton@poochiereds.net>
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Subject: [nfsv4] Re: question about delegated timestamps (delstid draft)
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> On Aug 29, 2024, at 5:42 AM, Jeff Layton <jlayton@poochiereds.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 2024-08-28 at 15:34 -0700, Thomas Haynes wrote:
>>> On Aug 28, 2024, at 10:13 AM, Jeff Layton <jlayton@poochiereds.net> wrote:
>>> The draft says mentions this:
>>>  Further, when it gets a SETATTR in the same compound as the
>>>  DELEGRETURN, then it MUST accept those fattr4_time_deleg_access
>>>  attribute and fattr4_time_deleg_modify attribute changes and derive
>>>  the change time or reject the changes with NFS4ERR_DELAY (see
>>>  Section of [RFC8881]).
>>> Presumably, the SETATTR will precede the DELEGRETURN in the compound,
>>> in which case (at least under Linux kernel server) we will not have
>>> vetted the DELEGRETURN stateid yet.
>>> The simplest fix might be to just have it accept SETATTR for the
>>> delegated atime and mtime iff the client is the owner of the write
>>> delegation.
>>> -- 
>>> Jeff Layton <jlayton@poochiereds.net>
>> Looking at the HS implementation, we do just that, we accept it if the client is the owner of the WRITE delegation.
>> I.e., we do not insist that there is a DELEGRETURN.
> Thanks for confirming it. Maybe we should update the draft along those

> lines too? Have it say that the SETATTR that sends these new attrs must
> contain a WRITE delegation stateid, and drop the language about having
> a DELEGRETURN in the compound?
> -- 
> Jeff Layton <jlayton@poochiereds.net>

Hey Jeff,

Work interfered, so just now getting back to this.

The next paragraph in the draft states:

   These new attributes are invalid to be used with GETATTR, VERIFY, and
   NVERIFY and can only be used with CB_GETATTR and SETATTR by a client
   holding an appropriate delegation.  The SETATTR SHOULD either be in a
   separate compound before the one containing the DELEGRETURN or when
    in the same compound, as an operation before the DELEGRETURN.
   Failure to properly sequence the operations may lead to race
Why can’t it send a SETATTR in the same compound as the DELEGRETURN?

I guess I would rewrite the paragraph you quote as simply:

   Further, when it gets a SETATTR with those attributes being set, then it MUST accept those fattr4_time_deleg_access
   attribute and fattr4_time_deleg_modify attribute changes and derive
   the change time or reject the changes with NFS4ERR_DELAY (see
   Section of [RFC8881]).

I.e., for me the emphasis is on what to do when it encounters a SETATTR with the attributes and when the SETATTR can appear.
