[nfsv4] Labeled NFS Telecon Wednesday July 21st at 5:00pm EST

"David P. Quigley" <dpquigl@tycho.nsa.gov> Tue, 20 July 2010 18:27 UTC

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Date/Time: July 21st 5:00-6:00 PM EST

Telecon dial-in information:

U.S. toll free: 866-682-4770
Australia toll free: 1800420354
Conference code: 8530264 (new)
Security Passcode: 7042044

1. Dial the Global Access Number for your country 
2. Enter the Conference Code, followed by #
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Proposed Agenda

+ IETF Note Well Agreement

  This is a reminder that our discussions are governed by the 
  IETF Note Well Agreement. See:


  We will start each week's meeting with this announcement.

+ Discuss actions for Jarrett at IETF 78

+ Discuss status of Labeled IPSec draft

+ Discuss recent developments with Labeled NFS Linux prototype
