Re: [nfsv4] Review of draft-ietf-nfsv4-scsi-layout-nvme-01

Thomas Haynes <> Mon, 13 March 2023 18:53 UTC

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Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2023 11:52:53 -0700
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To: Christoph Hellwig <>
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Subject: Re: [nfsv4] Review of draft-ietf-nfsv4-scsi-layout-nvme-01
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> On Mar 13, 2023, at 10:59 AM, Christoph Hellwig <> wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> sorry for the delay.  I think I've addressed most comments in the just
> uploaded -02, but more comments below.
> On Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 01:24:51PM -0500, David Noveck wrote:
>> Although the details will be more completely discussed under *Per-section
>> Comments* there seem to  be  cases in which the wording suggests an
>> informational approach that is no longer appropriate  For example, the word
>> "explain" is used in many contexts where it is the job of a standards-track
>> document  to "define" or  "specify" something.
> Agreed.
>> *Issues with bcp14 Terms*
>> These terms will need to be wrapped in "<bcp14>...</bcp14>.
> As far as I can tell these tags do not exist in the xml2rfc vocabulary.
> Can you provide a reference for this wrapping?

So I’m no longer using xml2rfc at all - with the switch to version 3, I went to a straight .xml file.

You might still be using version 2 in your document?

Look at Section 2.9 of

>> *Authors*
>> I think you need to designate an editor.
> Done.
>> *Title*
>> Given the decision to make this a standards-track document, feel something
>> like "Use of NVMe-based Transports to Access Block Devices using the SCSI
>> Layout Type" would be more appropriate.
> I agree that the name isn't a little misleading now.  But your
> suggestion seems overly verbose and a little misleading as NVMe
> is not a transport for SCSI, but rather a different protocol
> family.
> We'll look into a different title going forward but haven't agreed on
> one yet.
>> *Abstract *
>> I feel "explains" is now inappropriate and suggest a replacement like the
>> following:
>> Defines the use of block devices accessed by NVMe-based Transports in
>> connection with the pNFS SCSI layout type.
> Fixed.
>> *1. Introduction *
>> I feel that the first paragraph presumes a lot of knowledge that the
>> authors and most working group members have but that many readers might not
>> have. An example is the use of the term MDS which is never defined in this
>> document.
> Thanks, I've taken up all your suggestions for the introduction.
>> *1.2 General Definitions*
>> With regard to the definition of "client", I have problems with the use of
>> the word "traditional" in connection with clients embedded within OS's that
>> support multiple applications.  I don't think this belongs here.
> Agreed.
>> With regard to "server", I note that "server" is defined here but never
>> really used in this document, except in the definition of "client".
>> Elsewhere there are references to the metadata server and to the data
>> server. I  think these need to be defined rather than the orphaned term
>> "server".
> Agreed.
>> *2. SCSI Layout Mapping to NVM*
>> In the first sentence,
>> Suggest replacing "only references few" by "references only a few".
>> Believe "SCSI specific" should be hyphenated.
> Fixed.
>> With regard to the use of the word  "SHOULD", It is unclear to whom this
>> recommendation is directed.
>> Recommendations are generally as to what an implementation might do or not
>> do and mapping of concepts doesn't fit that model.
>> It is hard to conceive of what might be "valid reasons" to do other than
>> what is recommended.
> We've done a scrube of potentially problematic SHOULDs.  Please take
> a look if you still find some that looks problematic to you in -O2.
>> Regarding the banning of the use serial numbers, I agree that they not be
>> allowed but I'm guessing that they were allowed in RFC8154, which calls
>> into question the idea that this spec does not amend RFC8154.  It seems
>> that it does, although for a good reason.
> There is no ammendment here, as there is no equivalent to the SCSI
> Name string in NVMe.  The NVMe serial number is something very different.
> SCSI name string.  I hope the new version makes this a bit more clear.
>> Along these lines, there might need to be some consideration of the case in
>> which the SCSI layout is used to support both SCSI and NVMe-connected
>> devices.  Is it possible that SCSI serial number might conflict with EUI64
>> or NGUID device ids.
> Both of them are defined based on IEEE identifiers that shall be
> globally uniqueue, independent of how they are used.
>> The third paragraph does not make it sufficiently clear what exactly  are
>> the "unique addressing needs" that need to be satisfied.
> What additional information would you like to see here?
>> *2.2 Client Fencing*
>> In the second sentence of the first paragraph, suggest replacing "For this"
>> by "For this to be achieved".
>> In the second paragraph suggest replacing "The following is" by "The
>> following sub-sections (Section 2.2.1 through 2.2.4) provides".
> I've updated this, but without explicitly listing the sections.
>> *2.3 Write Caches*
>> In this case, it appears that we are not, as with other subsections of *2.0
>> SCSI Layout Mapping to NVMe*, mapping a SCSI operation to an NVMe one. If
>> so,
>> this should be moved to its own top-level section and further tinkering
>> with the statement about not amending RFC8154 might be required.
> This is the NVMe version of section 2.8 in RFC8154, and it is very
> much intendent to translate the SCSI concepts there.  I've added a blurb
> to make that more clear.
>> *4. Security Considerations *
>> Think you need to add a new paragraph regarding the obligation of the
>> clients regarding the enforcement of MDS decisions.   I am proposing
>> something like the following after the current first paragraph:
>> Decisions regarding authorization of particular users to access file
>> objects are made by the MDS and communicated to the clients by the ranting,
>> recall, and revocation of layouts, as described in the definition of
>> the pNFS feature (see [RFC8881}, [RFC8534]).  As a result, the security of
>> the data made available to clients depends on clients not making
>> IO requests without the appropriate layout.   When clients cannot be
>> trusted to conform to this requirement, direct access to block devices MUST
>> NOT be provided.
> This is all very much in the domain of 8154.  We've added reference
> to the relevant sections of 8154 instead of rehashing this here.
>> *5.Normative References *
>> Feel RFC8534 should be added
> RFC8534 is "Explicit Tracking with Wildcard Routes in Multicast VPN".
> Do you mean  RFC8434?  This is not a new layout type, so it's not
> really applicable.
> Thanks a lot again for your review!
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