[nfsv4] Re: Review of draft-rmacklem-nfsv4-posix-acls-02
Rick Macklem <rick.macklem@gmail.com> Wed, 07 August 2024 23:15 UTC
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Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 16:15:39 -0700
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Subject: [nfsv4] Re: Review of draft-rmacklem-nfsv4-posix-acls-02
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I have updated the draft to draft-rmacklem-nfsv4-posix-acls-03. I think I have addressed all the comments in David's review. There are a few substantive changes: - The draft no longer refers to the setting of a 0 length NFSv4 ACL. (It appears that a 0 length NFSv4 ACL may just be a NFSv4 with no permissions. This is different from an erased Windows/SMB ACL, which was what I was using a 0 length NFSv4 ACL for.) - I changed the ordering of setting mode vs POSIX ACL to defining the order if they are in the set of setable attributes. - I think I now refer to mode/mode_set_masked/mode_umask correctly and require support of mode_umask and mode for this extension. - When a NFSv4 ACL is being replaced by a POSIX ACL, it now notes that the allow/deny ACEs will be deleted, so that the audit/alarm ACEs remain intact. - It now allows a SETATTR to flip between NFSv4 and POSIX ACLs when the scope is ACL_SCOPE_FILE_OBJECT. (The old draft restricted that.) Thanks go to David Noveck for his review. rick On Tue, Aug 6, 2024 at 8:26 AM David Noveck <davenoveck@gmail.com> wrote: > *Overall Evaluation * > > In good shape. There are a few non-editorial issues that need to be > dealt with but not many. > > I am prepared to support working group adoption as soon as the author is > ready to deal with the inevitable requests for a completion date. > > Based on what I have seen so far, I am planning to refocus work on > acls-05. I had been hoping to enhance the NFSv4 ACL model so that the > POSIX ACL model could be a submodel. As I read Andreas' document, this > kept getting more and more difficult and it now appears that, with the > document being reviewed, we have a reasonable path out of the existing ACL > mess 😳 > > *General Issues* > > *Dealing with Sacls* > > There are a number of places where sacls are treated as parts of acls. > They shouldn't be and I will discuss below ways of having posix acls > co-exist with use of the parts of NFSv4 ACLs that are not related to > authorization. > > *Interaction with Existing ACL Attributes* > > There are some missing cases in the list in *6. POSIX ACL vs NFSv4 ACL > Considerations.* The existing treatment which deals only with deleting > ACLs does not address issues involving creating new ACLs of either type. > > *Ordering Issues* > > My issues with the substance of the attribute ordering restrictions have > been addressed but I still have issues with the stated justification. See 5. > POSIX ACL Considerations for details. > > > *Per-section Issues* > > *Abstract * > > Suggest rewriting the first sentence as follows: > > This document describes a potential protocol extension involving the > addition of four new attributes to be used by server to provide support for > POSIX ACLs. > > *1. Introduction* > > I have problems with the first sentence which says that mapping was > attempted because of the semantic differences. This implies that if there > were no semantic differences, mapping would not have been attempted. In > fact, it still would have been attempted but would have been sucessful. I > would start the section with something like the following: > > In response to the very different over-the-wire formats, attempts have been made to map between these two sorts of ACLs. However, because of the > > large number of semantic differences, implementation experience with mapping between NFSv4 and POSIX ACLs has not been completely successful. > > For example, if a NFSv4 ACL is applied to a server file via SETATTR on a server that stores POSIX ACLs and then retrieved via > > GETATTR/READDIR, the ACL will often not be the same, since the mapping algorithm cannot do an exact mapping between them. > > > Suggest rewriting the last sentence of the last paragraph to read as > follows: > > In addition, issues related to the over-the-wire format of POSIX ACLs and the interactions among the various new attributes and with > > existing attributes are dealt with in this document. > > > *5. POSIX ACL Considerations* > > > In the first sentence, you are stating a true fact, but you need to make some normative statement to follow up. > > > I assume that that would be that setting a POSIX ACL that does not follow that is invalid. > > > In the second paragraph, know what you mean, but it is not clear that a reader would. Suggest the following: > > > In the who value within the posixace4 structure that appear in these new attributes, the field is interpreted as follows: > > > - For ACEs whose tag field is POSIXACE4_TAG_USER or POSIXACE4_TAG_GROUP the who value is a UTF8-encoded Unicode string. > > that has the same format as a user or group as represented within other NFSv4 operations and designates the same entity. > > In these cases, the distinction between users and groups derives from the tag rather than a flag bit, as is done in NFSv4 ACLs. > > This in in contrast to how the corresponding structures are described in <xref target="Grünbacher">, where numeric uids and gds are > > specified. > > > - For ACEs whose tag field has other values, the who field is ignored by the receiver and there is no reason for the sender to set it to any > > particular value. > > With regards to the third paragraph, I no longer object to the result. I had objected but you have made it clear why this is the way it is but that differs from what is in the document now. Below I quote the existing paragraph with my comments interspersed. > > For POSIX ACLs, setting of the low order 9 bits of mode can change the ACL and setting of the POSIX access ACL can change the low order 9 bits of mode. > > This is true. > > As such, the ordering of setting the attributes related to mode and POSIX ACLs is important. > > It is certainly significant. > > Therefore, a client MUST not set the low order 9 bits of mode via the mode or mode_set_masked attributes in the same SETATTR operation as one that sets the posix_access_acl and/or posix_default_acl proposed in this document. > > I don't agree with the "therefore". > > This is required because [RFC8881] does not specify an ordering for setting attributes in a SETATTR operation. > > That is* NOT *true. There is nothing in rfc8881 that prevents you from > specifying an ordering as rfcs8881 does for NFSv4 ACLs. > > You are as free to specify an ordering as you are to specify that these are incompatible. > > > I suggest rewriting this to say something like the following: > > > A client MUST not set any of the nine-low order bits of mode via the mode or mode_set_masked attributes in the same SETATTR operation as one that sets the posix_access_acl and/or posix_default_acl proposed in this document. Similarly, it MUST not set these together when creating a new file. These restrictions apply because: > > > - Setting these together is not required by the POSIX interface. > - To do so, would require dealing with difficult ordering issues left unaddressed by the existing definitionof SETATTR. > > For the last paragraph, I have the following editorial suggestions: > > > - Suggest replacing "low order 9" by "low-order nine" > - In the second sentence I suggest replacing "SHOULD" by "should". > - In the third sentence suggest replacing "may use" by "can use". > - In this last sentence suggest replacing "will avoid" by "would avoid" > > > *6. POSIX ACL vs NFSv4 ACL Considerations* > > > In the first sentence of the second paragraph, suggest replace "a" with "an". > > > Suggest rewriting the third paragraph as follows: > > For servers configured as described above, and not for any others, the following apply: > > For the third bulleted item, propose rewriting it as two paragraphs like > the following. > > Using SETATTR to set a zero-length posix_default_acl or posix_access_acl (for a file object with a true form ACL of ACL_MODEL_POSIX_DRAFT) > > will delete the true form ACL(s) from the file object and revert it to ACL_MODEL_NONE. > > Similarly, using SETATTR to eliminate the authorization-related portions of the ACL for a file object with a true form ACL of ACL_MODEL_NFS4 will > > delete the true form ACL(s) from the file object and revert it to ACL_MODEL_NONE. This can occur when setting the sacl or dacl to an array of length > > zero or by settting the acl attribute to an array of ACEs in which none are ALLOW or DENY ACEs. > > > Propose to add the following items to the existing list: > > - > > Using SETATTR to set a posix_default_acl or posix_access_acl of non-zero length (for a file object with a true form ACL of > > ACL_MODEL_POSIX_DRAFT) will result in the object's acl model being set > to ACL_MODEL_POSIX_DRAFT. In addition, if the object's acl model had > been ACL_MODEL_NFS4, all ALLOW and DENY ACEs will be deleted so that > the value dacl attribute is a zero-length array. > - > > Using SETATTR to set the dacl attribute to an array of non-zero length or to st the acl attribute so that it contains one or more ALLOW or DENY ACEs > > will result in the object's acl model being set to > ACL_MODEL_POSIX_NFS4. In addition, if the object's acl model had been ACL_MODEL_POSIX_DRAFT, > the existing default and access ACLs ae to be deleted. > > >
- [nfsv4] Review of draft-rmacklem-nfsv4-posix-acls… David Noveck
- [nfsv4] Re: Review of draft-rmacklem-nfsv4-posix-… Rick Macklem
- [nfsv4] Re: Review of draft-rmacklem-nfsv4-posix-… Rick Macklem