[nfsv4] [FedFS] LDAP referrals

James Lentini <jlentini@netapp.com> Fri, 27 August 2010 15:05 UTC

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Hi folks,

Below is a draft of guidelines for LDAP referral processing for the 
NSDB specification.

A diff with the changes is here:


and the full text is here:


The changes related to LDAP referrals are:

 - Added definitions for "File-access Protocol" and "Referral" to
   Section 2 and re-ordered the list of concepts. The purpose of this
   change is to define the terminology used in the draft now that it 
   describes two types of referrals: an (NFS) referral and an LDAP 
   referral. By reordering the list, we define the term referral 
   before it is used to describe other concepts.

 - Added a definition for the term NSDB client.

 - Added Section 5.3 on LDAP referral processing.

 - Added a discussion of LDAP referral handling to the Security
   Considerations section.

There are also two unrelated changes:

 - Clarified our OID assignment in the IANA Considerations

 - Updated Craig's contact info

There will be some discussion of LDAP referral handling in the Admin 
specification. At the moment, I'd like to concentrate on the NSDB 

As always, feedback is welcome in email or at the next concall on 9/1.
