[nfsv4] possible minor corrections of federated-fs-admin-05
Chuck Lever <chuck.lever@oracle.com> Wed, 22 September 2010 19:48 UTC
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From: Chuck Lever <chuck.lever@oracle.com>
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Subject: [nfsv4] possible minor corrections of federated-fs-admin-05
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Hi James- The last paragraph of Chapter 5 section 3 says: > If the junction is resolved, the fileserver will indicate the type of resolution that was performed using the FedFsResolveRes's resolve value and include a list of UUIDs for the FSN's FSLs in the FedFsResolveRes's fslUuid array. I think that language needs to be updated to reflect what is now returned in the result of FEDFS_LOOKUP_JUNCTION. Most important is that an array of FedFsFsl structures is returned, not an array of fslUuids. I don't recall seeing this change in the most recent set of diffs, but my memory could be foggy. Also, we had previously discussed adding a unique error code to the protocol for "procedure not implemented". Can that be added in the next draft update? -- chuck[dot]lever[at]oracle[dot]com
- [nfsv4] possible minor corrections of federated-f… Chuck Lever
- Re: [nfsv4] possible minor corrections of federat… James Lentini
- Re: [nfsv4] possible minor corrections of federat… Chuck Lever
- Re: [nfsv4] possible minor corrections of federat… James Lentini
- Re: [nfsv4] possible minor corrections of federat… Chuck Lever
- Re: [nfsv4] possible minor corrections of federat… James Lentini
- Re: [nfsv4] possible minor corrections of federat… Chuck Lever