[nfsv4] feedback on draft-ietf-nfsv4-versioning-06
Mike Kupfer <mike.kupfer@oracle.com> Mon, 17 October 2016 22:37 UTC
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I think we're converging, but there are still a couple issues I'd like to see addressed. * Section 4.4.2: I'd like this section to re-emphasize that the requester should try early on to establish knowledge about what the other node supports. Perhaps add this text to the last paragraph in the section: This should normally be done as part of a negotiation phase, prior to acting on user requests. * Section 4.4.3: I'd like to see more text related to the handling of multiple bits in the same request. Perhaps before the bullet list, add something like Note that in the case of attribute or flag bits, a request that refers to 2 or more bits of undetermined status (known versus unknown) may return ambiguous results. If the response is NFS4ERR_INVAL, the requester can only conclude that at least one of the bits is unknown. * Section 9.1, corrections to required features: the approach here makes sense, but it seems to conflict with wording elsewhere in the spec, specifically 1. end of page 5, top of page 6: For example, one may refer to the set of REQUIRED features in a given minor version since it is the same for all variants within the minor version. 2. page 10: The protocol element is defined as a REQUIRED part of the base minor version. In this case, the requester can expect the protocol element to be both known and supported by the responder. Maybe ", barring protocol corrections, " should be added at appropriate places in these two sections? regards, mike
- [nfsv4] feedback on draft-ietf-nfsv4-versioning-06 Mike Kupfer
- Re: [nfsv4] feedback on draft-ietf-nfsv4-versioni… David Noveck
- Re: [nfsv4] feedback on draft-ietf-nfsv4-versioni… Mike Kupfer