[nfsv4] Re: AD review : draft-ietf-nfsv4-layoutwcc-02
David Noveck <davenoveck@gmail.com> Sat, 17 August 2024 12:17 UTC
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From: David Noveck <davenoveck@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 08:17:21 -0400
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To: Zaheduzzaman Sarker <zahed.sarker.ietf@gmail.com>
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Subject: [nfsv4] Re: AD review : draft-ietf-nfsv4-layoutwcc-02
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On Wed, Aug 14, 2024, 11:56 AM Zaheduzzaman Sarker < zahed.sarker.ietf@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi, > > > > I have now reviewed the draft-ietf-nfsv4-layoutwcc and I think this > document need to improve the writing. Hence please respond to the comments > and resolve them. > > > > I have done this review as If I don't really understand NFSv4 and NFSv3 > (which might be anyway true) and tried to reflect on things that was > unclear in the description. > > > > I hope this review helps and feel free to take the opportunity to educate > me. > > > > //Zahed > > > > > > > > My section by section comments are below - > > ==================================== > > > > # Abstract > > s/This document presents a refinement to RFC8435 to allow the client > to update the metadata server to changes on the data server/ This document > updates RFC8435 to allow the client to update the metadata server to > changes on the data server. > > > > This makes it clear that the current specification will update RFC > 8435. > > > > However, to me it is still not super clear if we are updating RFC 8435 > or extending RFC 7862. > I think both are done. What is the rationale here for the update tag? > I believe it is necessary since, anyone implementing RFC8435 needs to know about the additions in this document. > > # Section 1 > > > > My initial assumption was that we have a useful feature with WCC for > NFv3 that we would like to allow for NFv4 with LAYOUT-WCC. However, the > more I read Section 1 and Section 2, I am getting more confused as the > description of NFSv4 and NFv3 is very intertwined. Either my assumption is > wrong > It isn't. or the text should be improved, either case I think the following would > help. > > - let’s assume the reader will read this as a starting document (I > think this will be true for the most of the reviewers in the process) > True but I think that the people Tom was writing for are very different from the reviewers. I believe he was writing for those who had or might implement RFC8435. > hence, let's describe the scenario better for them and not assume they > understand and know the difference between NFv4 and NFSv3 by heart. Hence, > providing right reference is the right tools here. Also make sure we write > > - the version of NFS the metadata server is running or does it > even matter > It matters. It has to be NFSv4.2, at least. - short description of the WCC and reference the RFC for the details > - Lets keep all the NFv3 related details in the Introduction > section. This means describe some of the basic concepts those are described > in different sub-sections of section 2 in Section 1, and focus on NFSv4 > specifics in section 2 and 3. This means already in introduction we write > the relation of NFSv3 GETATTR to NFv4 GETATRR and who sends them , etc. as > a base to understand the extension are doing in the rest of the sections. > > - Make sure we are specific about the extension we are doing in > this specification - are we writing this specification only for NFSv4 > client or the client's NFV version does not matter? If the client learns > gid and uid from via NFSv3 how that is done and why that is important here. > This pops up if I read the following sentence - > > > > "In this document, we introduce a new operation > called LAYOUT_WCC which allows the client to periodically report the > attributes of the data files to the metadata server." > My impression was that the attribute were the ones changed by doing WRITEs, not including uid and gid. Not sure what to make of later references to these. > > > > # Section 2.1 > > > > Please provide the reference to the data types of the structs > > > > # Section 2.3 > > > > It not clear if the extension is for NFSv4 only or it can also replace > WCC for NFSv3. > It can't. > > Why are first 3 paragraph relevant at all? what is the relation of > this description to the extension? > > > > Overall, sometimes it is not clear in the text on who does what. I > think we can do a better job of stating what is client's responsibility and > what is metadata server's. This might be get cleared automatically when we > have a better split between the section 1 and section 2 > > > > # Section 2.4.1 > > > > - Please provide reference to mtime, atime and all the attribute > mentioned (size, space_used, change, time_access, time_metadata, and > time_modify.). > > - it says - > > > > Whenever it sends an NFS4ERR_ACCESS error via LAYOUTRETURN or > LAYOUTERROR - it could have already gotten the NFSv3 uid and gid values > back in the WCC of the WRITE, READ, or COMMIT operation which got the error. > > > > I am a bit confused here, just reading the text here, are you > saying the client had got some attributes via NFSv3 but when error occurs > it uses NFv4 LAYOUT-WCC to report? > > > > # Section 2.5 > > > > We should be very clear that we are not defining any new ERROR for > LAYOUT_WCC if that is the case and reference to where the errors are > defined. Otherwise, we need to explain each and every errors here in this > document, that would be cumbersome or repeating. > > > > # Section 5 IANA considerations : > > > > Please provide more details on which IANA registry to be > updated/amended for the new entries. > _______________________________________________ > nfsv4 mailing list -- nfsv4@ietf.org > To unsubscribe send an email to nfsv4-leave@ietf.org >
- [nfsv4] AD review : draft-ietf-nfsv4-layoutwcc-02 Zaheduzzaman Sarker
- [nfsv4] Re: AD review : draft-ietf-nfsv4-layoutwc… David Noveck
- [nfsv4] Re: AD review : draft-ietf-nfsv4-layoutwc… Thomas Haynes
- [nfsv4] Re: AD review : draft-ietf-nfsv4-layoutwc… Zaheduzzaman Sarker
- [nfsv4] Re: AD review : draft-ietf-nfsv4-layoutwc… Thomas Haynes