Re: [nfsv4] I-D Action:draft-ietf-nfsv4-ipv6-00.txt
dhawal bhagwat <> Tue, 26 October 2010 14:06 UTC
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Subject: Re: [nfsv4] I-D Action:draft-ietf-nfsv4-ipv6-00.txt
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(Sorry for the delay in responding.) ... >} Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 11:02:38 -0400 >} From: Chuck Lever <> >} To: dhawal bhagwat <> >} Cc: Trond Myklebust <>, >} Subject: Re: [nfsv4] I-D Action:draft-ietf-nfsv4-ipv6-00.txt >} >} >} On Oct 19, 2010, at 8:25 AM, dhawal bhagwat wrote: >} >} > >} >> } Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 15:45:07 -0400 >} >> } From: Trond Myklebust <> >} >> } To: >} >> } Subject: Re: [nfsv4] I-D Action:draft-ietf-nfsv4-ipv6-00.txt >} >> } >} >> } On Mon, 2010-10-18 at 10:45 -0700, wrote: >} >> } > A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories. >} >> } > This draft is a work item of the Network File System Version 4 Working Group of the IETF. >} >> } > >} >> } > >} >> } > Title : NFS operation over IPv6 >} >> } > Author(s) : A. RN, et al. >} >> } > Filename : draft-ietf-nfsv4-ipv6-00.txt >} >> } > Pages : 8 >} >> } > Date : 2010-10-18 >} >> } > >} >> } > This Internet-Draft provides the description of problems faced by NFS >} >> } > and its various side band protocols, when implemented over IPv6 in >} >> } > various deployment scenarios. Solutions to the various problems are >} >> } > also given in the draft and are sought for approval. >} >> } > >} >> } > Foreword >} >> } > >} >> } > This "forward" section is an unnumbered section that is not included >} >> } > in the table of contents. It is primarily used for the IESG to make >} >> } > comments about the document. It can also be used for comments about >} >> } > the status of the document and sometimes is used for the RFC2119 >} >> } > requirements language statement. >} >> } > >} >> } > A URL for this Internet-Draft is: >} >> } > >} >> } > >} >> } > Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at: >} >> } > >} >> } > >} >> } > Below is the data which will enable a MIME compliant mail reader >} >> } > implementation to automatically retrieve the ASCII version of the >} >> } > Internet-Draft. >} >> } >} >> } The RPCBIND requirement (MUST) is definitely unwelcome. The whole point >} >> } of giving NFSv4 a fixed port was in order to get rid of the reliance on >} >> } portmapping. >} > >} > Noted. Our intent was to say that if a portmap call is being made, then >} > in case of NFS/IPv6, it MUST be via RPCBIND. ... >} >} Curious, is it really necessary to stipulate that? Have you >} encountered IPv6 implementations that attempt to resolve ports with >} PORTMAP over IPv6 ? >} >} I suppose this is relevant for implementations that are not based on a >} full TI-RPC implementation, but have purpose-built portmap clients and >} RPC layers. We have not seen implementations making PORTMAP calls over IPv6. We felt that rather than have some implementation pop up using PORTMAP/IPv6 (#), expecting other implementations to support it, it would be better not to leave that open ended, and instead, clearly require the use of RPCBIND in case of IPv6. (# - for some reason like the one you already mentioned.) thanks, -{db}. >} >} -- >} chuck[dot]lever[at]oracle[dot]com >}
- [nfsv4] I-D Action:draft-ietf-nfsv4-ipv6-00.txt Internet-Drafts
- Re: [nfsv4] I-D Action:draft-ietf-nfsv4-ipv6-00.t… Trond Myklebust
- Re: [nfsv4] I-D Action:draft-ietf-nfsv4-ipv6-00.t… dhawal bhagwat
- Re: [nfsv4] I-D Action:draft-ietf-nfsv4-ipv6-00.t… Chuck Lever
- Re: [nfsv4] I-D Action:draft-ietf-nfsv4-ipv6-00.t… dhawal bhagwat