[nfsv4] disposition of inflight NFSv4.1 operations when a session or client ID is destroyed
"Mike Eisler" <mre-ietf@eisler.com> Wed, 13 October 2010 22:40 UTC
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Subject: [nfsv4] disposition of inflight NFSv4.1 operations when a session or client ID is destroyed
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Apologies if this is a dup. What do people think should happen to operations that are in flight when DESTROY_SESSION kills a session or EXCHANGE_ID/CREATE_SESSION causes an existing client ID to be destroyed (thus destroying the sessions of s previous client instance)? - Undefined, or - Server MUST abort or wait for in flight operations to complete The internet-draft Margaret Susairaj and I wrote proposes a new capability to EXCHANGE_ID to ensure that the latter happens. See http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-eisler-nfsv4-enterprise-apps-00.txt . Excerpt from the I-D: A client MAY request the EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_FENCE_OPS capability when it sends an EXCHANGE_ID operation. The server MAY set this capability in the EXCHANGE_ID request whether the client requests it or not. If the client ID is created with this capability then the following will occur: o The server will not reply to DESTROY_SESSION until all operations in progress are completed or aborted. o The server will not reply to subsequent EXCHANGE_ID invoked on the same Client Owner with a new verifier until all operations in progress on the Client ID's session are completed or aborted. o When DESTROY_CLIENTID is invoked, if there are sessions (both idle and non-idle), opens, locks, delegations, layouts, and/or wants (Section 18.49) associated with the client ID are removed. Pending operations will be completed or aborted before the sessions, opens, locks, delegations, layouts, and/or wants are deleted. o The NFS server SHOULD support client ID trunking, and if it does and the EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_FENCE_OPS capability is enabled, then a session ID created on one node of the storage cluster MUST be destroyable via DESTROY_SESSION. In addition, DESTROY_CLIENTID and an EXCHANGE_ID with a new verifier affects all sessions regardless what node the sessions were created on. ======================================================= But it raises the question if this is necessary. Another question is, even if you think the server MUST abort/wait for inflight requests, does your NFSv4.1 server do that? -- Mike Eisler, Senior Technical Director, CR & NFS +1 719 599 9026 - blogs.netapp.com/eislers_nfs_blog/
- [nfsv4] disposition of inflight NFSv4.1 operation… Mike Eisler
- Re: [nfsv4] disposition of inflight NFSv4.1 opera… david.noveck
- Re: [nfsv4] disposition of inflight NFSv4.1 opera… J. Bruce Fields