[NSIS] thank you all!
Lars Eggert <lars.eggert@nokia.com> Wed, 16 March 2011 08:44 UTC
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Hi, with the publication of RFC5979 and RFC5980, the NSIS working group has successfully completed its chartered work. Congratulations! I'd sincerely like to thank all participants, editors and chairs for their hard work over the years, especially in the last phase, where new requirements from the IESG meant that a significant amount of edits needed to be done in a synchronized way across almost the entire set of documents. I will proceed to close the NSIS WG and this mailing list. Please use the tsv-area@ietf.org list for any future discussion of NSIS. Thanks again, Lars
- Re: [NSIS] thank you all! Georgios Karagiannis
- Re: [NSIS] thank you all! Jukka Manner
- Re: [NSIS] thank you all! James M. Polk
- [NSIS] thank you all! Lars Eggert
- Re: [NSIS] thank you all! Georgios Karagiannis