[Ntp] NTPv5 extension field format
David Venhoek <david@venhoek.nl> Wed, 01 November 2023 13:23 UTC
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From: David Venhoek <david@venhoek.nl>
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2023 14:23:43 +0100
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Subject: [Ntp] NTPv5 extension field format
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Dear All, After having implemented NTPv5 in ntpd-rs, I want to again bring for consideration whether we should not just simply keep the NTPv4 extension field format rather than changing it for NTPv5. The reason is that it turns out to be rather annoying to support both the NTPv4 and v5 extension field formats at the same time, and I rather have just a single variant of that code to reduce the chance of bugs in it. I know I have suggested this before, and that it looked not possible without additional length fields at least on some of the extension fields. However, I think we can do it without needing any more bytes on the line more than in the current situation. Looking at all the extension fields in the current spec I find that there are only 4 extension fields where the size is even variable in a way that is not a-priori known to the receiver: - The draft ID, which can be solved by simply requireing the padding be 0 and instructing receivers to ignore any trailing 0 bytes. - The MAC extension field, but here the receiver knows the length it should have once it has determined the key (which it can do based on the first 4 data bytes). - The Reference ID Response: Here we could just pad with further bytes from the bloom filter, and only switch to 0's once those run out. Knowing the offset, the client then always knows which section is valid (since the total bloom filter size is fixed). - Finally, for reference ID requests we can simply just assume that no padding was done on receive and return sufficient bytes for a larger request. (Note that this interpretation actually makes the padding of ref ID response moot, we will always get a request with length a multiple of 4). If there is at least some interest in this I can make a suggestion for how to change the text of the current draft for this. Kind regards, David Venhoek
- [Ntp] NTPv5 extension field format David Venhoek
- Re: [Ntp] NTPv5 extension field format Salz, Rich
- Re: [Ntp] NTPv5 extension field format Miroslav Lichvar