Re: [Ntp] [EXT] Re: NTPv5 KISS code support

"Forrest Christian (List Account)" <> Sun, 03 December 2023 13:21 UTC

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From: "Forrest Christian (List Account)" <>
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2023 06:21:15 -0700
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To: Hal Murray <>
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Subject: Re: [Ntp] [EXT] Re: NTPv5 KISS code support
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On Fri, Dec 1, 2023, 3:09 PM Hal Murray <> wrote:

> I'd like to understand why reflection without amplification is not a
> problem.

> Is it simple technology/economics?  The bad guys have cheaper ways to
> generate
> traffic?

Without amplification,  reflection does not help you generate traffic

How amplification works is that you send a small packet with a forged
source address to a server which is known to respond with a much larger
packet.   DNS is a good example of this.. your query might be a few bytes
containing a query like "give me all the records for" and the
DNS server will reply with a much larger packet that has all the records
included.  With the forged source address, this larger response will go to
the destination pointed at by the forged source address, thus allowing a
relatively small stream of packets bandwidth-wise to generate a much larger
stream of packets toward the desired destination.

Note that without amplification the main benefit of doing reflection
doesn't exist. It doesn't make a lot of sense to bounce a flow off of a
remote server when you could get the exact same results by sending the
packets directly.

> Are botnets cheap enough that there is no need to hide by using reflection
> without amplicication?

You don't need to use reflection to hide..  just forge the source address
of the packets.

I could come up with some contrived edge cases that reflection without
amplification might be useful, but all of the situations that I can think
of right now are much easier to accomplish in other ways.
