Re: [Ntp] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ntp-update-registries-09.txt

"Salz, Rich" <> Tue, 05 December 2023 15:45 UTC

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From: "Salz, Rich" <>
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>> I'm trying to figure out how to explain it since what you're proposing is
>> different from how I read the RFC. 

> It's a non-extension. I don't think you want to explain it.

Okay, if it's not an extension then it won't be in the updated registries as such and shouldn't be in the draft.

> You should probably add a paragraph pointing out that RFC 5905 describes a packet format that has a key ID word with a 32 bit field where the type field and length for extensions would go -- with a reference to RFC 7882.

Is there a typo in that 7882 number?  Maybe 7821? I would also really appreciate it if you could propose (very rough draft is fine) text as I still don't understand you.

> Can that paragraph be added to the IANA registry?

Unlikely, since it's not an extension; where would it go?  Which registry? Unless, of course, my understanding is wrong, which is quite possible.

> This paragraph from your draft should also be added to the IANA registry:

> *The "Reserved for historic reasons" is for differences between

It's already done; as section 4.3	tells IANA to add a Note with that specific paragraph text.

> Would it be appropriate to add an * to those slots?

I don't think so.