[Ntp] draft-mlichvar-ntp-ntpv5-01

Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar@redhat.com> Wed, 09 December 2020 12:10 UTC

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I have submitted a new version of the draft:


The main changes from 00 are:
- dropped the follow-up mode to make the protocol simpler
- added "Leap unknown" flag to indicate when server doesn't know if
  there will be a leap second to not confuse the client with
  unreliable data
- added NTPv5 negotiation in NTPv4 using the reference timestamp
- added new extension field to get the server's minimum and maximum
  supported NTP version to enable NTPv6 negotiation
- added a new section to explain stratum and root delay/dispersion
- assigned names to the fixed-point types

Miroslav Lichvar