[Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime
kristof.teichel@ptb.de Tue, 24 September 2024 07:46 UTC
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Subject: [Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime
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Hi Marcus, thanks for doing my pull request and integrating my changes. I should have done it earlier, but didn't. About the GREASE section... can you explain the thinking behind randomly sending faulty packets? a) How would anyone (other than the client itself) even know whether or not the client reacted correctly (discarding a packet with inconsistent data or an invalid signature)? I don't think I see who would even evaluate this as a test, much less how this could "ensure that clients validate signatures". What am I missing here? b) Wouldn't it make more sense to send packets with a valid timestamp but invalid signature - so that in the case of misbehaviour (accepting the time in spite of incorrect signature), nothing terrible would happen? Besten Gruß / Kind regards, Kristof Teichel __________________________________________ Dr.-Ing. Kurt Kristof Teichel Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Arbeitsgruppe 4.42 "Zeitübertragung" Bundesallee 100 38116 Braunschweig (Germany) Tel.: +49 (531) 592-4471 E-Mail: kristof.teichel@ptb.de __________________________________________ Von: "Marcus Dansarie" <marcus@dansarie.se> An: ntp@ietf.org Datum: 23.09.2024 22:49 Betreff: [Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime Thanks for the comments! I just made a pull request on Github (https://github.com/ietf-wg-ntp/draft-roughtime/pull/4) that should clarify how grease is used in Roughtime. It also addresses most of Martin and Kristof's comments. On 2024-09-17 13:52, David Venhoek wrote: > First of all, regarding the ver tag, there is no requirement for > servers to ignore unknown versions in that tag. this means that > technically it is valid behavior right now for a server receiving > unknown versions to reject that packet, even if there is version > overlap. This seems highly undesirable I don't think I fully understand the problem you are describing here however. Could you give an example? Kind regards, Marcus _______________________________________________ ntp mailing list -- ntp@ietf.org To unsubscribe send an email to ntp-leave@ietf.org
- [Ntp] Grease in Roughtime David Venhoek
- [Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime Marcus Dansarie
- [Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime kristof.teichel
- [Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime Marcus Dansarie
- [Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime kristof.teichel
- [Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime David Venhoek
- [Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime Marcus Dansarie
- [Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime Marcus Dansarie