[Ntp] Protocol Action: 'NTP Interleaved Modes' to Proposed Standard (draft-ietf-ntp-interleaved-modes-08.txt)

The IESG <iesg-secretary@ietf.org> Wed, 13 November 2024 22:11 UTC

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Subject: [Ntp] Protocol Action: 'NTP Interleaved Modes' to Proposed Standard (draft-ietf-ntp-interleaved-modes-08.txt)
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The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'NTP Interleaved Modes'
  (draft-ietf-ntp-interleaved-modes-08.txt) as Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the Network Time Protocols Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Erik Kline and Éric Vyncke.

A URL of this Internet-Draft is:

Technical Summary

   This document extends the specification of Network Time Protocol
   (NTP) version 4 in RFC 5905 with special modes called the NTP
   interleaved modes, that enable NTP servers to provide their clients
   and peers with more accurate transmit timestamps that are available
   only after transmitting NTP packets.  More specifically, this
   document describes three modes: interleaved client/server,
   interleaved symmetric, and interleaved broadcast.

Working Group Summary

   There was nothing particularly noteworthy in the WG process. 
   During IETF LC some of the WG discussion recurred.

Document Quality

   There are multiple implementations of the document.  They are
   discussed in Section 5, entitled "Implementation Status".


   Karen O'Donoghue is the Document Shepherd.
   Erik Kline is the Responsible Area Director.