[Ntp] Grease in Roughtime
David Venhoek <david@venhoek.nl> Tue, 17 September 2024 11:52 UTC
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From: David Venhoek <david@venhoek.nl>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 13:52:15 +0200
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Subject: [Ntp] Grease in Roughtime
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Going over the draft of roughtime, I noticed a few issues regarding tags and versions First of all, regarding the ver tag, there is no requirement for servers to ignore unknown versions in that tag. this means that technically it is valid behavior right now for a server receiving unknown versions to reject that packet, even if there is version overlap. This seems highly undesirable Second, the grease section seems to contain no mechanisms for actually exercising either the ignoring of unknown tags by servers (or clients for that matter) nor for exercising the version negotiation mechanism. Given the experience in TLS with this, this is probably a really good idea to include. Finally, the grease section indicates the server must send malformed packets some amount of the time to clients to exercise the rejection mechanism, but doesn't specify in which way it may malform the packets. Thus servers could do this in ways that could potentially reduce future design space. I would be much more comfortable if we specified a specific set of things the server is allowed to do to create malformed packets, so that we at least have control over which parts of the future design space are excluded. Kind regards, David Venhoek
- [Ntp] Grease in Roughtime David Venhoek
- [Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime Marcus Dansarie
- [Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime kristof.teichel
- [Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime Marcus Dansarie
- [Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime kristof.teichel
- [Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime David Venhoek
- [Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime Marcus Dansarie
- [Ntp] Re: Grease in Roughtime Marcus Dansarie