[Ntp] Re: [NTP] Roughtime: Inadequate Explanation of Protocol's Unique Feature? (Question to all WG members)
Watson Ladd <watsonbladd@gmail.com> Tue, 03 September 2024 16:02 UTC
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Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 09:02:40 -0700
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Subject: [Ntp] Re: [NTP] Roughtime: Inadequate Explanation of Protocol's Unique Feature? (Question to all WG members)
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On Tue, Sep 3, 2024 at 1:37 AM <kristof.teichel@ptb.de> wrote: > > @watson/ben: thanks for your replies > Can the information about the ecosystem and reporting system be found anywhere else? > Not necessarily about a server list or who runs them, but about how the logic works, how reporting should roughly be done, etc.? First let me say I very much appreciate the effort you are spending on improving the draft. It's very easy for me as author to think I have explained things well when I have not. I think what I have in the draft is there but is fairly telegraphic. A client queries multiple servers, and through the chaining mechanism can determine if they give inconsistent results (Section 4 and 9.2). When there is an inconsistency the client reports, and we have a format for doing that (might need more explication). When the client reports, and what happens after is currently beyond scope. I'm not sure what logic you are discussing. We certainly can put in more examples and explanations of how having three causally related measurements can impeach a server giving the incorrect time. Ultimately though distrust comes about through human understanding of which one was wrong. > (If so, could you link to that?) > Or are you saying it's okay for this to not be documented anywhere? Part of the problem is that we do not have any such program operating to describe, and being very prescriptive about things that don't yet exist is a losing battle. > > Let's remember that this is Roughtime's supposed core technical feature. I think roughtime has this feature and it's just a matter of documentation. But we can't dictate the human bits come into existence: they either will or will not, and will operate according to their needs. Mozilla has a very different root program than Apple. Sincerely, Watson Ladd > > @ntp-wg: I was really looking for input on this from people who didn't have an active role in developing Roughtime. > I ask you all again to provide a short opinion, please. Yes, please chime in! > > > Besten Gruß / Kind regards, > Kristof Teichel > (and Martin Langer) -- Astra mortemque praestare gradatim
- [Ntp] Latest Roughtime draft Watson Ladd
- [Ntp] Re: Latest Roughtime draft kristof.teichel
- [Ntp] [NTP] Roughtime: Inadequate Explanation of … kristof.teichel
- [Ntp] Re: [NTP] Roughtime: Inadequate Explanation… Ben Laurie
- [Ntp] Re: [NTP] Roughtime: Inadequate Explanation… Watson Ladd
- [Ntp] Re: [NTP] Roughtime: Inadequate Explanation… kristof.teichel
- [Ntp] Re: [NTP] Roughtime: Inadequate Explanation… Watson Ladd
- [Ntp] Antwort: Re: [NTP] Roughtime: Inadequate Ex… kristof.teichel