[Ntp] more comments on Roughtime (draft-11)

martin.langer@ptb.de Thu, 05 September 2024 15:21 UTC

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Hey Watson, editors, WG members,

First of all, I'd like to point out that Kristof and I have only recently realized that
the Roughtime draft is intended to be 'informational'. This makes the discussions
much easier from our point of view, as many of our previous criticisms and
comments were based strictly on the assumption that the draft would become
a 'standards track'. We were therefore very eager to get the draft to a high
level of detail, fully describing all the necessary security features and proofs.

Since this is not the case, we feel that it is sufficient to mention ideas and 
concepts in various sections of the draft, but not to describe them in detail.

I have just re-read the current version (draft-11) and added many comments 
that help improve it. I think that if the abstract and the introduction are a bit 
more precise and the comments in the PDF are taken into account, then I will 
not oppose further steps (like the WGLC).

Best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Martin Langer
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Working Group 4.42 "Dissemination of Time"
Bundesallee 100,
38116 Braunschweig (Germany)
Tel.: +49 531 592-4470
E-Mail: martin.langer@ptb.de