[nwcrg] Review draft-yang-nwcrg-bats-03
Emmanuel Lochin <emmanuel.lochin@enac.fr> Wed, 29 July 2020 07:00 UTC
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Dear all, After carefully reading "BATS Coding Scheme for Multi-hop Data Transport", I have no specific comment on it. The draft is well explained and self-contained. It appears almost clear to me concerning the implementation of BATS. Just some slight comments/questions : - Being a little bit fussy, I would just rephrase "Existing network protocols like TCP/IP use end-to-end retransmission and store-and-forward at the relays" by "Existing transport protocols like TCP use end-to-end retransmission while network protocols such as IP might enable store-and-forward at the relays". I understand that you want to point out that TCP/IP has the same objective that the combination of both inner/outer BATS codes while less efficient over multihop; - Correct "Suppose that a pseudorandom number generator Rand() which generate an unsigned integer of 32 bit" -> "generates"; I understand that you need one BATS session per flow at the outer code and you write that "The inner code comprises (random) linear network coding applied on the coded packets belonging to the same batch.". So my questions are: - Does a batch similar to an encoding window as defined in RFC8406? - Does the inner code must differentiate each microflow before re-encoding? If yes, without re-encoding (pure e2e exchange) does the Batch_ID field still mandatory? - Is there a relationship between the e2e microflow and the Batch_ID? Meaning a Batch_ID always identifies a source/sender or a one of its microflow? Regards, Emmanuel -- Emmanuel LOCHIN ENAC - Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile 7, avenue Edouard Belin CS 54005, 31055 Toulouse Cedex 4 France http://www.enac.fr https://elochin.github.io/
- [nwcrg] Review draft-yang-nwcrg-bats-03 Emmanuel Lochin