[OAUTH-WG] Re: Nit in section 4 of draft 13 of SD-JWT

Brian Campbell <bcampbell@pingidentity.com> Thu, 24 October 2024 23:10 UTC

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From: Brian Campbell <bcampbell@pingidentity.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2024 17:10:01 -0600
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To: Travis Spencer <travis=40curity.io@dmarc.ietf.org>
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The phrase "for those who celebrate" there is a subtle attempt at a little
bit of good-natured humor. ChatGPT explains the general phrase thusly:

The phrase "for those who celebrate" is often used to acknowledge that not
everyone may participate in a particular holiday, event, or tradition. It's
a way of being inclusive and respectful of diverse beliefs, practices, and
customs. For example, saying "Happy Holidays to those who celebrate"
recognizes that while some people may be celebrating a specific holiday,
others may not observe it or may celebrate different holidays.

The meaning in the context of this document is to playfully acknowledge
that some people really like ABNF while others aren't readily familiar with
it and/or don't find it particularly useful. The former are those who
celebrate. The latter are those who do not. The document is inclusive of

This lighthearted reference also reflects the journey of how ABNF came to
be included in the document. Seen here: https://github.com/oauth-wg/oauth
-selective-disclosure-jwt/issues/393, there was initially a suggestion that
including ABNF would be helpful for implementers. Even though this was met
with some skepticism about how many people would actually find it useful,
it was added to the document anyway.

Of course, if a joke requires explanation, it tends to lose its humor.
Nevertheless, I remain partial to the text. Little attempts at satire, like
this one, that poke fun at the occasional absurdity involved in standards
development work help me keep it together in the face of the occasional

On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 1:54 AM Travis Spencer <travis=
40curity.io@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> Section 4 of draft 13 of the SD-JWT WG document says:
> As an alternative illustration of the SD-JWT format, for those who
> celebrate,
> ABNF [RFC5234] for the SD-JWT, SD-JWT+KB, and various constituent parts
> is provided here:
> Who are those who celebrate? Those that celebrate birthdays,
> Midsummer, Halloween? I don't understand and think that phrase should
> be deleted.
> Suggested alternative:
> As an alternative illustration of the SD-JWT format in ABNF [RFC5234] for
> the SD-JWT, SD-JWT+KB, and various constituent parts is provided here:
> HTH!
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