Re: [OAUTH-WG] Stephen Farrell's Discuss on draft-ietf-oauth-amr-values-05: (with DISCUSS)

Stephen Farrell <> Thu, 02 February 2017 00:24 UTC

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Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Stephen Farrell's Discuss on draft-ietf-oauth-amr-values-05: (with DISCUSS)
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On 02/02/17 00:21, Mike Jones wrote:
> Thanks, Tony.  I can add that reference.
> Stephen, the sets of initial values were chosen from those used in
> practice by Microsoft and Google in real deployments.

Genuine questions: do you aim to have interop between those
deployments? What if I wanted to write code that'd interop
with msft or google?


> About "otp", there are existing use cases for indicating that an OTP
> was used.  I'm not aware of any of these use cases where the
> distinction between TOTP and HOTP is important.  Thus, having "otp"
> now makes sense, where having "hotp" and "totp" now doesn't.
> Stephen, this may seem like splitting hairs, but the registry
> instructions for "Specification Document(s)" are about having a
> reference for the document where the Authentication Method Reference
> Name (such as "otp") is defined.  In all cases for the initial
> values, this is the RFC-to-be, so the registry instructions are
> satisfied.  If someone were, for instance, to define the string
> "hotp", it would be incumbent on the person requesting its
> registration to provide a URL to the document where the string "hotp"
> is defined.  Also having a reference to RFC 4226 in that document
> would be a good thing, but that isn't what the registry instructions
> are about.
> All that said, I can look at also finding appropriate references for
> the remaining values that don't currently have them.  (Anyone got a
> good reference for password or PIN to suggest, for instance?)
> -- Mike
> -----Original Message----- From: Anthony Nadalin Sent: Wednesday,
> February 1, 2017 4:10 PM To: Stephen Farrell
> <>; Mike Jones
> <>; joel jaeggli <>; The
> IESG <> Cc:;
>; Subject: RE:
> [OAUTH-WG] Stephen Farrell's Discuss on
> draft-ietf-oauth-amr-values-05: (with DISCUSS)
> NIST asked for the addition of IRIS (as they are seeing more use of
> IRIS over retina due to the accuracy of iris)  as they have been
> doing significant testing on various iris devices and continue to do
> so, here is a report that NIST released
> -----Original Message----- From: Stephen Farrell
> [] Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2017
> 2:26 PM To: Mike Jones <>; joel jaeggli
> <>; The IESG <> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Stephen Farrell's Discuss on
> draft-ietf-oauth-amr-values-05: (with DISCUSS)
> Hi Mike,
> On 01/02/17 17:00, Mike Jones wrote:
>> Thanks for the discussion, Stephen.
>> To your point about "otp", the working group discussed this very 
>> point.  They explicitly decided not to introduce "hotp" and "totp" 
>> identifiers because no one had a use case in which the distinction 
>> mattered.
> Then I'm not following why adding "otp" to the registry now is a good
> plan.
> If there's a use-case now, then adding an entry with a good reference
> to the relevant spec seems right.
> If there's no use-case now, then not adding it to the registry seems
> right. (Mentioning it as a possible future entry would be fine.)
> I think the same logic would apply for all the values that this spec
> adds to the registry. Why is that wrong?
>> Others can certainly introduce those identifiers and register them
>> if they do have such a use case, once the registry has been
>> established.  But the working group wanted to be conservative about
>> the identifiers introduced to prime the registry, and this is such
>> a case.
>> What identifiers to use and register will always be a balancing
>> act. You want to be as specific as necessary to add practical and
>> usable value, but not so specific as to make things unnecessarily
>> brittle.
> Eh... don't we want interop? Isn't that the primary goal here?
>> While some might say there's a difference between serial number 
>> ranges of particular authentication devices, going there is
>> clearly in the weeds.  On the other hand, while there used to be an
>> "eye" identifier, Elaine Newton of NIST pointed out that there are 
>> significant differences between retina and iris matching, so "eye" 
>> was replaced with "retina" and "iris".  Common sense informed by 
>> actual data is the key here.
> That's another good example. There's no reference for "iris." If that
> is used in some protocol, then what format(s) are expected to be
> supported? Where do I find that spec? If we can answer that, then
> great, let's add the details. If not, then I'd suggest we omit "iris"
> and leave it 'till later to add an entry for that. And again,
> including text with "iris" as an example is just fine, all I'm asking
> is that we only add the registry entry if we can meet the same bar
> that we're asking the DE to impose on later additions.
> And the same for all the others...
> Cheers, S.
>> The point of the registry requiring a specification reference is
>> so people using the registry can tell where the identifier is
>> defined. For all the initial values, that requirement is satisfied,
>> since the reference will be to the new RFC.  I think that aligns
>> with the point that Joel was making.
>> Your thoughts?
>> -- Mike
>> -----Original Message----- From: OAuth 
>> [] On Behalf Of Stephen Farrell Sent: 
>> Wednesday, February 1, 2017 7:03 AM To: joel jaeggli 
>> <>; The IESG <> Cc: 
>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Stephen Farrell's Discuss
>> on draft-ietf-oauth-amr-values-05: (with DISCUSS)
>> On 01/02/17 14:58, joel jaeggli wrote:
>>> On 1/31/17 8:26 AM, Stephen Farrell wrote:
>>>> Stephen Farrell has entered the following ballot position for 
>>>> draft-ietf-oauth-amr-values-05: Discuss
>>>> When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply
>>>> to all email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel
>>>> free to cut this introductory paragraph, however.)
>>>> Please refer to 
>>>> for 
>>>> more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.
>>>> The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found 
>>>> here: 
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> DISCUSS: 
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> This specification seems to me to break it's own rules. You
>>>> state that registrations should include a reference to a
>>>> specification to improve interop. And yet, for the strings
>>>> added here (e.g. otp) you don't do that (referring to section 2
>>>> will not improve interop) and there are different ways in which
>>>> many of the methods in section 2 can be done. So I think you
>>>> need to add a bunch more references.
>>> Not clear to me that the document creating the registry needs to
>>>  adhere to the rules for further allocations in order to
>>> prepoulate the registry. that is perhaps an appeal to future
>>> consistency.
>> Sure - I'm all for a smattering of inconsistency:-)
>> But I think the lack of specs in some of these cases could impact
>> on interop, e.g. in the otp case, they quote two RFCs and yet only
>> have one value. That seems a bit broken to me, so the discuss isn't
>> really about the formalism.
>> S.