[OAUTH-WG] OAuth 2.0 Android Library

development@christoph-gerstner.de Mon, 15 August 2011 16:46 UTC

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Hey everyone!

I just wanted to inform you that I uploaded an OAuth 2.0 library for
Android to github.
You can get it here:



Even if a library isn't really necessary for OAuth 2.0 and
API developers might want some easier solution to use MAC-Tokens (which
was the major goal for me)
Of course it is still under development. The minimum system requirements
are: Android Platform Version 2.3.3; API Level 10.
Currently it supports Bearer-Tokens and MAC-Tokens based on the


Other extensions are also possible.

I hope this project is interesting for some of you and maybe helpful.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions, advice or
