[OAUTH-WG] Access Token Response without expires_in

Eran Hammer <eran@hueniverse.com> Mon, 16 January 2012 18:53 UTC

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From: Eran Hammer <eran@hueniverse.com>
To: OAuth WG <oauth@ietf.org>
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 11:53:07 -0700
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Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Access Token Response without expires_in
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A question came up about the access token expiration when expires_in is not included in the response. This should probably be made clearer in the spec. The three options are:

1. Does not expire (but can be revoked)
2. Single use token
3. Defaults to whatever the authorization server decides and until revoked

#3 is the assumed answer given the WG history. I'll note that in the spec, but wanted to make sure this is the explicit WG consensus.