[OAUTH-WG] JSON Web Token (JWT) Specification Draft

Mike Jones <Michael.Jones@microsoft.com> Fri, 24 September 2010 00:22 UTC

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From: Mike Jones <Michael.Jones@microsoft.com>
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Thread-Topic: JSON Web Token (JWT) Specification Draft
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Recognizing that there is substantial interest in representing sets of claims in JSON tokens, Yaron Goland and I have put together a draft JSON Web Token (JWT) spec for that purpose.

To answer the obvious question, while this was produced independently of Dirk's JSON token proposal<http://balfanz.github.com/jsontoken-spec/draft-balfanz-jsontoken-00.html>, both of us agree that we should come up with a unified spec.  Consider this an additional point in the possible design space from which to start discussions and drive consensus.  (If you read the two proposals, I think you'll find that there's already a lot in common, which is great.)

Thanks to those of you who have already given us feedback to improve the draft prior to this point.

                                                            -- Mike