Re: [OAUTH-WG] Mix-up mitigation is not so easy...

Daniel Fett <> Wed, 28 October 2020 11:58 UTC

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Am 28.10.20 um 12:00 schrieb Warren Parad:
> I would likewise assume that issuer validation is always required. But
> maybe I hadn't been thinking about this enough. Is there an
> alternative to validating it, and implicitly trusting it? Because as
> you pointed out either demonstrated control over valid redirect URIs
> or really any other secondary mechanism would be required. Perhaps I'm
> missing something though.

When using "iss" to mitigate mix-up attacks, we're essentially telling
the client where submitting the auth code is okay. Since this chain of
pointers starts at the AS (→ issuer ID → metadata document → token
endpoint URL), there's no further validation needed: In this direction,
we can assume that every pointer points to an uncompromised component.

A malicious issuer could mix and match PAR/authorization/token/userinfo
endpoint URLs and thereby build a different chain, but I think there's
really not that much that can go wrong there that wouldn't be covered by
the "iss" defense:


> On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 11:08 AM Daniel Fett <
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     during my work to update the Security BCP, I stumbled upon a
>     problem in our current recommendations against mix-up attacks.
>     Until now, our understanding was that adding an "iss" parameter in
>     the authorization response and using a distinct redirect URI for
>     each configured issuer provided the same level of security. This
>     is unfortunately not the case when mix-up is combined with a
>     client impersonation attack.
>     Let's start with the "iss" parameter: The assumption is, that an
>     AS "knows" which issuer it belongs to. Therefore, an uncompromised
>     AS will always send the identifier for this (correct) issuer in
>     the "iss" parameter in the authorization response. The client will
>     see that it started the process with the attacker's issuer, but
>     receives the identifier for another issuer in the authorization
>     response, and will abort the interaction.
>     With the distinct redirect URIs, the situation is similar. Let's
>     look at how the client would defend against mix-up:
>       * For the attacker's AS configuration (attacker Authorization
>         Endpoint, attacker Token Endpoint), the client would register
> as the redirection URI at
>         the attacker's AS.
>       * For the honest AS configuration (honest Authorization
>         Endpoint, honest Token Endpoint), the client would register
> as the redirection URI at the
>         honest AS.
>     In the normal mix-up attack, the following would happen:
>       * The user selects "attacker" as AS.
>       * The user is being redirected to the attacker's authorization
>         endpoint.
>       * The attacker redirects the user to the honest AS's
>         authorization endpoint, replacing the client ID in the
>         original authorization request with the client ID of the
>         client at the honest AS.
>       * The user authorizes the client at honest AS.
>       * Honest AS redirects the user back to the client, using
> as the redirect URI.
>       * The client notices a mismatch between the redirection URI and
>         the expected redirect URI (which would be .../attacker).
>     Therefore, the mix-up attack is mitigated. The problem is,
>     however, that the attacker can circumvent the protection by
>     *registering a new client with the honest AS, giving
> as the redirection URI* and
>     using this new client ID in step 3 of the attack.
>     This would mean that the client would see the attacker's redirect
>     URI as the incoming URI for the authorization response and would
>     not detect the attack. It would forward the authorization code to
>     the token endpoint of the attacker, who would be able to redeem it.
>     Note that the user would not grant access to the honest client,
>     but to the attacker's client. The attacker's client would need to
>     "impersonate" the honest client, i.e., using the same name, icon,
>     etc.; This approach is similar to existing OAuth phishing attacks
>     with counterfeit clients, however, in this case, a *redirect URI
>     of the honest client* is used. Therefore, the usual mitigation
>     whereby the AS shows the redirect URI to the user would not
>     provide any protection (see also
>     What can we do against this attack?
>       * PKCE does not protect against this attack, as the attacker
>         would be able to change the code_challenge parameter.
>       * I think that PAR and JAR probably won't help either, since the
>         honest client "legitimately" speaks to the attacker's AS, who
>         in turn speaks "legitimately" to the honest AS (as the
>         attacker's client). All sides would use the correct endpoints
>         and keys, and the attacker would be able to receive and modify
>         the authorization request, forwarding it to the honest AS
>         under his own client ID.
>       * For the same reason, a DPoP-like sender-constraining of the
>         authorization code is unlikely to help.
>       * What would help is if client registrations would depend on an
>         ACME-like demonstration of control over the origin of the
>         redirect URI. This not something mandated for OAuth today and
>         is unlikely to be seen in broad use.
>       * The "iss" parameter solution is robust against this attack as
>         long as an authorization server never returns an issuer
>         controlled by the attacker. In essence, by declaring the
>         issuer, the AS is providing a pointer to a metadata file which
>         points to the "correct" token endpoint - this is why this
>         solution is robust. We have shown the robustness of the "iss"
>         solution in our formal analysis, but never analyzed the
>         redirect uri solution formally.
>     For the security BCP, this means that we depend on the "iss"
>     parameter solution even more. (It also means that OAuth 2.1 should
>     probably include this parameter.)
>     We need to think about how we can proceed with the security BCP
>     without too much delay. 
>     Sorry for poking another hole into the spec,
>     Daniel
>     -- 
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