[OAUTH-WG] error_description USASCII-encoded - is this a difficulty?
Todd W Lainhart <lainhart@us.ibm.com> Thu, 17 January 2013 18:09 UTC
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We're working on an OAuth 2.0 AS, with extensions defined for session mgmt. We're trying to adopt uniformly the error reporting mechanism in 6749. I'm now realizing that the error_description response in specified to be USASCII. I was assuming that the error message could be UTF-8 encoded, such that I could return error messages in the client's locale. E.G. consider the client credentials grant. The store on the AS holding the registration is down, so I'd like to return a 500 with an error message from the store, from a catalog mapped to the client's language. I've wondered about adding an additional response parameter, something like error_description_locale, but thought that there might be better practices out there. I'm also wondering about the USASCII constraint on error_description. I'm a long-time reader of this list, but I'm not recalling the background on this. Todd Lainhart Rational software IBM Corporation 550 King Street, Littleton, MA 01460-1250 1-978-899-4705 2-276-4705 (T/L) lainhart@us.ibm.com
- [OAUTH-WG] error_description USASCII-encoded - is… Todd W Lainhart
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] error_description USASCII-encoded … Hannes Tschofenig
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] error_description USASCII-encoded … Todd W Lainhart