[OAUTH-WG] Re: Feedback on draft-ietf-oauth-first-party-apps-00
Pieter Kasselman <pieter@spirl.com> Wed, 13 November 2024 19:22 UTC
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From: Pieter Kasselman <pieter@spirl.com>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 12:22:01 -0700
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To: Janak Amarasena <janakama360@gmail.com>
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Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Re: Feedback on draft-ietf-oauth-first-party-apps-00
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Thanks Janak for your detailed review and opening the GitHub issues. On Wed, Nov 13, 2024 at 9:39 AM Janak Amarasena <janakama360@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi All, > > I created GitHub issues[1] #125 to #131 covering the feedback I provided > through my previous email. > > [1] - https://github.com/oauth-wg/oauth-first-party-apps/issues > > Best Regards, > Janak Amarasena > > On Fri, Nov 1, 2024 at 11:43 AM Janak Amarasena <janakama360@gmail.com> > wrote: > >> Hi All, >> >> I have gone through the OAuth 2.0 for First Party Applications draft ( >> draft-ietf-oauth-first-party-apps-00) and have some feedback on it. I >> think this is a much needed standard. At my organization(WSO2) also we have >> seen a significant demand from customers requesting to do API centric >> authorization largely due to the need for seamless UX. We have seen places >> where organizations lean more towards UX disregarding security best >> practices. Due to the demand we ourselves did an extension for OAuth to >> solve the same problem this specification is addressing and at the time if >> this specification existed we would have definitely implemented this >> without going ahead with our own extension. >> >> Please find my feedback below; >> >> Under section 5.1. “Authorization Challenge Request” the spec lists the >> “code_challenge” and the "code_challenge_method" as optional parameters. As >> this protocol establishes direct communication between the client and the >> AS I don’t see a real requirement to mention PKCE related parameters >> here. Please let me know if I have missed anything here. >> >> As I understood, using these two parameters in the authorization >> challenge request is useful only when the client expects that it will have >> to perform a redirect based authorization flow and also the AS supports PAR >> capabilities through the authorization_challenge_endpoint. I think this >> will be an edge case and given the spec mentions it supports all extensions >> applicable to the authorization endpoint I don’t see a major need to >> specifically mention these two parameters under this section. I think this >> could also cause confusion to implementers. >> >> Under section “Redirect to Web Error Response” the spec mentions >> >> In this case, the client is expected to initiate a new OAuth >> >> Authorization Code flow with PKCE according to [RFC6749] and >> >> [RFC7636]. >> >> If the client expects the frequency of this error response to be >> >> high, the client MAY include a PKCE ([RFC7636]) code_challenge in the >> >> initial authorization challenge request. This enables the >> >> authorization server to essentially treat the authorization challenge >> >> request as a PAR [RFC9126] request, and return the request_uri and >> >> expires_in as defined by [RFC9126] in the error response. The client >> >> then uses the request_uri value to build an authorization request as >> >> defined in [RFC9126] Section 4. >> >> I think it would be good to add some text to the spec mentioning the >> possibility to use the auth_session in this new authorization request such >> that the user can continue the login from where the user left off. >> Something similar is mentioned in section 6.1. for step-up authentication. >> >> >> I have some concerns with the authorization_challenge_endpoint being able >> to act as the PAR endpoint. I understand the improved experience gained >> here but this essentially creates two standard endpoints that can do >> similar things. Instead it might be possible to use the auth_session to >> maintain the complete context. However this could be overloading the >> expectations of the auth_session. >> >> Under section 5.3.1. “Auth Session” spec mentions; >> >> The auth_session value is completely opaque to the client, and as >> >> such the authorization server MUST adequately protect the value from >> >> inspection by the client, for example by using a random string or >> >> using a JWE if the authorization server is not maintaining state on >> >> the backend. >> >> I think the intention behind mandating to maintain the opaqueness is to >> protect any sensitive information. Depending on the AS implementation it >> could decide on using an auth_session value which is not opaque but also >> does not contain any sensitive data. I think it would be better to >> recommend that the AS uses adequate measures such as encryption in the >> event they are using something other than an opaque value that contains >> sensitive data. The current mandating will put an unnecessary burden on the >> AS to encrypt and decrypt data if it doesn’t contain sensitive information. >> >> In the same section it mentions; >> >> To mitigate the risk of session hijacking, the 'auth_session' MUST be >> >> bound to the device, and the authorization server MUST reject an >> >> 'auth_session' if it is presented from a different device than the >> >> one it was bound to. >> >> I completely agree on the need to mitigate the risk of session hijacking. >> However, in the current text, although it's not directly mentioned here, it >> will require the AS to have a proof of possession mechanism in place as >> pointed in Section 9 "Security Considerations". This can be a major >> barrier to implement this specification as the AS should also implement >> another specification. There can be different ways the implementation can >> solve this problem without needing proof of possession. For example if the >> auth_session is only transmitted between the AS and the client then it will >> be protected with TLS in transit and the client and AS can use independent >> mechanisms to protect the auth_session at rest. Since this specification >> applies only to first party applications the implementers will have full >> control over how the client and the AS protects the data, and therefore can >> make sure adequate protection is in place for the auth_session. Due to this >> I think it is better to change wording from mandating to a recommendation. >> >> Regarding section “7. Resource Server Error Response” I am wondering >> whether this section is required at all as this spec makes no addition to >> RFC9470. I guess this section is there to provide clarity due to RFC9470 >> using the authorization endpoint in its text. >> >> Under section 9.5.1. DPoP: Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession it mentions >> “… The authorization server MUST ensure that the same key is used in all >> subsequent Authorization Challenge Requests, or in the eventual token >> request…” I think it was meant to say “... Authorization Challenge >> Requests, and in the eventual token request…” >> >> Best Regards, >> >> Janak Amarasena >> >> _______________________________________________ > OAuth mailing list -- oauth@ietf.org > To unsubscribe send an email to oauth-leave@ietf.org >
- [OAUTH-WG] Feedback on draft-ietf-oauth-first-par… Janak Amarasena
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Feedback on draft-ietf-oauth-first… Janak Amarasena
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Feedback on draft-ietf-oauth-first… Pieter Kasselman