Re: [OAUTH-WG] Virtual OAuth Security Workshop 2020, July 21-24
Daniel Fett <> Sun, 31 May 2020 16:12 UTC
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Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Virtual OAuth Security Workshop 2020, July 21-24
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Hi all, I hope that many of you can make it to the virtual OSW! While the official call is closed, we can easily fit some more tutorials/workshops or talks into the schedule. If you are interested to host a session, please contact me. Finding good start and end times for an event with participants from all over the world is not easy. To find out which time zones we need to accommodate for and when people in these time zones are usually working, I took the mails from this mailing list as a guide line. I used a python script to scrape and analyze the mails from the past 17 months. If you are interested in the results, please see this sheet: In the end, the schedule ended up very close to the one of IETF 108, which hopefully works for many attendees. -Daniel Am 31.05.20 um 17:52 schrieb Daniel Fett: > Website: > Registration: > Twitter: > > The OAuth Security Workshop 2020 will be held as a virtual event on July > 21 to 24. As Zoom Fatigue is a real thing, the workshop will be spread > over four days (compared to the originally planned three days). > > As in 2019, the OSW will be a mix of pre-scheduled tutorials and talks, > and an unconference part where every participant can propose and conduct > a session. Sessions in the unconference are often driven by recent > discussions in the community, but can also be used to deep-dive into > topics from the talks and tutorials, or to discuss or work on any > OAuth-related topic. > > The event will be free of charge. A prior registration is required: > > > Schedule outline: > > July 21 (Tutorials/Workshops day): On the first day, we will have two > tutorial slots with up to 3 hours each. If needed, multiple tutorials > can run in parallel. > > July 22 (Talks day): The second day starts with the official opening of > the workshop, followed by two parallel tracks of talks with eight talk > slots each. Each talk is 25 minutes. > > July 23 and July 24 (Unconference days): At the beginning of each of the > two days, sessions are proposed and scheduled in the plenum. Sessions > can be anything from talks to open discussions or tutorials. We will > have up to three parallel session tracks with five slots each (four plus > closing on the last day), 45 minutes each. > > The precise times in various time zones can be found on the website: > > > The full schedule for talks and workshops will be published in June. > > Session proposals for the unconference part can be submitted ahead of > time on the registration website. > > > If you have any questions, feel free to contact me ( > > -Daniel > > _______________________________________________ > OAuth mailing list > >
- [OAUTH-WG] Virtual OAuth Security Workshop 2020, … Daniel Fett
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] Virtual OAuth Security Workshop 20… Daniel Fett
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] Virtual OAuth Security Workshop 20… Daniel Fett