[OAUTH-WG] Re: Call for adoption - First Party Apps

Kristina Yasuda <yasudakristina@gmail.com> Wed, 11 September 2024 09:53 UTC

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From: Kristina Yasuda <yasudakristina@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 11:53:07 +0200
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To: Aaron Parecki <aaron=40parecki.com@dmarc.ietf.org>
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I support adoption of this draft.
In the EU, this draft is expected to help with authenticating the user
using PID during EAA issuance, too.

On Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 5:44 PM Aaron Parecki <aaron=
40parecki.com@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> Please remember that not having this draft will not stop people from
> building native login experiences into apps.
> This is particularly a problem for companies that build authorization
> server products that are used by people building apps, since the result is
> then that they end up building proprietary APIs for building native login
> experiences, and if these companies are large enough it turns in to a
> de-facto standard anyway.
> > I’m yet to hear a genuine argument in favour of the “native experience”
> that doesn’t boil down to aesthetic preferences.
> "aesthetic preferences", also known as "user experience", is absolutely a
> valid concern for many people.
> > locking down the API to first-party apps only sets a precedent that eg
> the official BlueSky/Twitter/Facebook app will always have a
> different/privileged login experience compared to third-party apps
> This has very much been in line with the goals of OAuth from the
> beginning, giving third-party apps a different experience from first-party
> apps. I don't see this as a problem. This is also becoming more relevant
> with the prevalence of the pattern of using a first-party native app *as*
> the authorization server for other native apps on the device. (e.g. a
> health tracker app wants to get access to your Strava data, it starts an
> OAuth flow to the Strava native app, where the user has to log in and
> approve the request. It would be very weird for the Strava app to then do a
> web OAuth flow to the Strava website. Instead, I have seen a number of apps
> that build out the authorization approval screen in the native app, so
> there is never even a browser involved in the third party OAuth flow at
> all.)
> Also please note that the current draft never mentions passwords as an
> authentication mechanism. The first example given is passkey login, which
> as Tim mentioned earlier in this thread is phishing-resistant on mobile
> devices since it's handled by the operating system rather than the app.
> Aaron
> On Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 6:47 AM Neil Madden <neil.e.madden@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Yes, I’ve watched the recordings. I have sat through many client meetings
>> where UI designers insist that a “native experience” is absolutely
>> essential, despite the clear security problems with it. But that native
>> experience is normally actually worse for users, despite appearing to look
>> better (eg no automatic SSO from existing web browser cookies etc). I’m yet
>> to hear a genuine argument in favour of the “native experience” that
>> doesn’t boil down to aesthetic preferences.
>> Limiting the endpoints to first party apps, via some strong client
>> authentication method (attestation) helps with some of the security
>> concerns, but it doesn’t really address the root issues. If we encourage
>> users to enter credentials directly into apps, then phishing apps become a
>> danger, exactly as RFC 8252 says (regarding in-app user-agents, but the
>> same principles apply):
>> "When all good actors are using external user-agents, the advantage is
>>    that it is possible for security experts to detect bad actors, as
>>    anyone faking an external user-agent is provably bad.  On the other
>>    hand, if good and bad actors alike are using embedded user-agents,
>>    bad actors don't need to fake anything, making them harder to detect.”
>> s/embedded user-agent/native UI/ and I think this argument very much applies to the current draft.
>> Even if you lock down the API so those other apps cannot login directly
>> with those credentials, it is too late if the user has already entered
>> their username and password. Use of a native UI, which is easily spoofed,
>> bypasses all of the phishing protections that browsers have added over the
>> years (eg warning about malicious sites, highlighting the origin, password
>> manager origin checking before auto-filling, etc).
>> Secondly, locking down the API to first-party apps only sets a precedent
>> that eg the official BlueSky/Twitter/Facebook app will always have a
>> different/privileged login experience compared to third-party apps. This
>> seems to run contrary to AIB statements like
>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/statement-iab-statement-on-the-risks-of-attestation-of-software-and-hardware-on-the-open-internet/ (a
>> draft, admittedly).
>> — Neil
>> On 10 Sep 2024, at 13:55, Aaron Parecki <aaron@parecki.com> wrote:
>> Neil, I don't know if you've seen the several presentations I did at the
>> last few IETF meetings about this work, but a large part of the motivation
>> of this work is because *currently* people are bending over backwards to
>> provide a native user experience for their first party apps and doing so in
>> a way that is not only not standard, but even worse than what could be done
>> with a standardized method. Please go review those recordings for more of
>> the background.
>> I am open to the discussion of how best to limit this to first party
>> apps, maybe that part needs to be stricter than what is currently in the
>> draft. But at the very least, the draft says in no unclear terms that this
>> is not for use by third party apps.
>> Aaron
>> On Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 3:59 AM Neil Madden <neil.e.madden@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I know that apps that accept credentials directly are common place. But
>>> the direction of travel has so far been to discourage that: eg deprecating
>>> ROPC, requiring use of an external vs embedded user-agent etc. (Sorry, I
>>> misremembered: it’s BCP 212 that requires this, not the security BCP — and
>>> it has a lot of good rationale for that decision).
>>> 3rd party apps follow where first-party apps lead.
>>> — Neil
>>> On 10 Sep 2024, at 11:14, Dick Hardt <dick.hardt@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Neil
>>> Users input credentials directly into apps all the time in OAuth -- it
>>> is at the AS.
>>> There are many deployments that use OAuth where the AS and RS are the
>>> same party. The objective of this draft (as I understand it) is to provide
>>> a simplified OAuth flow for this use case. The BCP does not address this
>>> use case.
>>> Why would we not want to provide a best practice for deployments where
>>> the AS and RS are the same party? We will likely improve the security of
>>> those deployments over them making up their own protocol, won't we?
>>> /Dick
>>> On Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 10:20 AM Neil Madden <neil.e.madden@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> The draft is motivated by allowing native apps to provide a login
>>>> journey for OAuth rather than using the browser. This encourages people to
>>>> input credentials directly into apps, which (a) directly contradicts the
>>>> advice in the security BCP, and (b) opens up users to significantly more
>>>> attack vectors (including that the phishing-resistance of FIDO is
>>>> significantly weakened). We shouldn’t be encouraging this.
>>>> — Neil
>>>> On 5 Sep 2024, at 15:48, Tim Cappalli <tim.cappalli@okta.com> wrote:
>>>> IMO, we're getting very off topic here. The WebAuthn text is not part
>>>> of the draft being called for adoption.
>>>> On Thu, Sep 5, 2024 at 2:15 AM Neil Madden <neil.e.madden@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 5 Sep 2024, at 05:45, David Waite <david@alkaline-solutions.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 
>>>>> >
>>>>> >> On Sep 4, 2024, at 4:27 PM, Neil Madden <neil.e.madden@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>> On 4 Sep 2024, at 22:48, Watson Ladd <watsonbladd@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> I can always grab the cookie jar off the user browser if I have
>>>>> that
>>>>> >>> level of access.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> USB access is not privileged, but that’s beside the point.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Put another way, the phishing-resistance of WebAuthn only really
>>>>> makes sense in a world of sandboxed apps: web apps, mobile apps. Any spec
>>>>> that encourages the use of OAuth auth flows outside of such sandboxed
>>>>> environments, as this one potentially does, is going to make defending
>>>>> against phishing harder.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > The client is not an identified/authenticated component in the
>>>>> architecture, so there is a user trust required in using a client - that
>>>>> the client actually is an agent acting in the user’s interest rather than
>>>>> acting maliciously.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Platforms have the ability to provide specific API for these
>>>>> interactions to become a trustworthy client, and to block privileged access
>>>>> (including access to speak directly to hardware) behind audited
>>>>> entitlements to prevent from installed software acting as a malicious
>>>>> client.
>>>>> Right, this is what I mean by sandboxed.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Note that some platforms also provide entitlements and heuristics
>>>>> for password manager access - however, as a knowledge-based system the
>>>>> platform cannot really prevent malicious applications from still attempting
>>>>> to manipulate their way to credential phishing.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> (I’d also question why first-party apps need a standardised API for
>>>>> this anyway: they can do whatever they like using proprietary APIs already).
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I would struggle to come up with standards-track RFCs which would
>>>>> not be able to instead be accomplished with proprietary APIs. The editors
>>>>> and working groups found value in peer review and in interoperability.
>>>>> Standards are for promoting interoperability, not for getting free
>>>>> peer review of private APIs.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I have seen the pitfalls of a proprietary approach to this and would
>>>>> say peer review is important. My primary concern is whether we can have a
>>>>> clients that authenticate against multiple implementing ASes based solely
>>>>> on this work. Profiling authentication methods like passkey-based
>>>>> authentication would go a long way toward alleviating that concern.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > -DW
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