Re: [OAUTH-WG] Call for Adoption - AS Issuer Identifier in Authorization Response

Daniel Fett <> Wed, 09 December 2020 07:43 UTC

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Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Call for Adoption - AS Issuer Identifier in Authorization Response
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Hi Warren,

Am 08.12.20 um 20:15 schrieb Warren Parad:
> As an implementer on both sides of the issue I'm struggling to
> understand how this problem would occur. I'm finding issues with the
> proposed problems:
>  1. Honest AS is compromised, assuming this does happen details on why
>     adding iss to the AS response would prevent attacks is necessary
>     for me. In other words, how would an AS be compromised in a way
>     that would be identifiable through the issuer value? (my ignorant
>     assumption is that a compromised AS is compromised enough that an
>     attacker would be able to send the correct ISS)
If an AS is compromised, we can't do much for it anyway. We must assume
that all credentials from this AS can be stolen or forged and that
resource servers relying on this AS have a big problem, too. The Mix-Up
Attack is about attacking *other* (uncompromised) AS using the client's
trust in the compromised AS.

For clarification, in our slides we refer to

- an uncompromised AS as H-AS (honest AS) - this is the AS which issues
the credentials the attacker wants to read, and
- a compromised AS as A-AS - this may have been uncompromised previously
or may have been introduced into the ecosystem for the sole purpose of
running the mix-up attack.

In the mix-up attack, the client assumes that it is talking to A-AS but
actually received the authorization response from H-AS. This is why the
iss parameter helps: It always comes from H-AS (together with the
authorization code) and therefore cannot be modified by the attacker.
(If the attacker would be able to intercept/tamper with this
communiction, there would be no need to run a mix-up attack in the first

>  1. Attacker AS is registered. I fully support the idea that this can
>     and will happen, however from attempting to test-implement this
>     proposal, I can't see how the authorization would be sent to the
>     wrong token endpoint. Since there is no information in the AS auth
>     code response, the client must already have the knowledge of where
>     they are going to send the token, no mix-up can be executed.
The assumption in the mix-up attack is that the client stores where to
send the authorization code, for example in a session bound to the
resource owner's browser. This would always be the token endpoint of the
attacker (A-AS) in the mix-up attack, either because the user selected
A-AS as the AS or because the attacker had an opportunity to modify the
user's choice.
>  1. I would argue, if anything, adding the ISS parameter would open a
>     new attack surface by providing clients an opportunity to
>     blatantly trust the ISS parameter as the honest AS and thus
>     actually sending the code there instead of sending it to one
>     specified in the metadata document.
As far as I can see, the potential attacks from such a bug on the
client's side would not be worse than mix-up, at least. It would
undermine session integrity probably, in that an attacker-AS would be
able to steer the client to send the code to H-AS. I'll take a closer
look at this.
> My confusion is the following:
>   * Are multi AS services utilizing authorization codes in a way where
>     there could be a mix up attack for #2.
>   * Is there a #3 that I'm missing which even in light of #1 & #2 I
>     brought up that would still make this change valuable?
I'm not sure if I could help to clear up the confusion a bit. I'd
recommend that you take a look at Section 3.3.2. of this document [1]
which provides a more detailed description of the mix-up attack and why
the defense mechanism works.



> Warren Parad
> Founder, CTO
> Secure your user data and complete your authorization architecture.
> Implement Authress <>.
> On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 8:01 PM Dick Hardt <
> <>> wrote:
>     +1
>     ᐧ
>     On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 4:51 AM Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
>     < <>> wrote:
>         All,
>         This is a call for adoption for the following AS Issuer
>         Identifier in Authorization Response as a WG document:
>         Please, provide your feedback on the mailing list by Dec 22nd.
>         Regards,
>          Rifaat & Hannes
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