Re: [OAUTH-WG] tsv-dir review of draft-ietf-oauth-v2-23

Eran Hammer <> Thu, 08 March 2012 01:24 UTC

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From: Eran Hammer <>
To: Songhaibin <>, "" <>, "" <>
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2012 17:15:56 -0700
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Thanks Haibin.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Songhaibin []
> Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 1:33 AM

> Nits:
> 1. Section 3.1, paragraph 4, the last sentence is confusing, is it the
> authorization server who sends the request to the authorization endpoint?
> Or is it the resource owner?

The client. Added clarification in section 3.

> 2. Section 3.1.1, paragraph 3, "...where the order of values does not matter.."
> I think a little clarification on the reason for this would be better for people
> like me.

I don't think we need to explain it, but it's to meet typical developers' expectations.

> 3. Section 3.2, paragraph 4, the last sentence is confusing, is it the
> authorization server who sends request to the token endpoint?

Same as #1.

> 4. Section 10.12, paragraph 4, should the terminology "end-user" be changed
> to "resource owner"? There are same issues in other places of this
> document.

Changed some. Clarified end-user in the intro.

> 5. Section 10.6, paragraph 2, second sentence, When the attacker is sent
> to.../ When the authorization code request is sent to...

Not sure what you mean.