[OAUTH-WG] client_id format: whitespaces allowed?
Mark Dobrinic <mdobrinic@cozmanova.com> Tue, 13 October 2015 17:42 UTC
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Subject: [OAUTH-WG] client_id format: whitespaces allowed?
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Hey OAuth group, While I though I knew this, I was looking closely at the OAuth 2.0 spec and read that valid values of the client_id are specified as: VSCHAR = %x20-7E client-id = *VSCHAR This means that the client-id may also contain whitespace characters. Do I get that right? Thanks for your insights, Mark
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] client_id format: whitespaces allo… Mike Jones
- [OAUTH-WG] client_id format: whitespaces allowed? Mark Dobrinic