[OAUTH-WG] Re: DNS Handles

Aaron Parecki <aaron@parecki.com> Tue, 21 January 2025 18:37 UTC

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Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 10:37:04 -0800
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Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Re: DNS Handles
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We should talk next time we meet at IETF. This is something I've been
working on for a very long time.

Most recently, I've been working on prototyping a similar thing leveraging
an experimental feature in FedCM, called "IDP Registration", enabling an RP
to use an arbitrary IDP rather than one from a fixed list like "Sign in
with Google". FedCM solves the UX problem that has plagued adoption of
"bring your own IDP" efforts like OpenID in the past.

I have a blog post about this with a demo video and details on how to put
together the various OAuth building blocks to make it happen:


There's also a handful of people who have spun up IDPs that support this
with their own domain and trying out the FedCM feature, you can see all the
details here: https://github.com/w3c-fedid/idp-registration/issues/2


On Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 10:19 AM Phillip Hallam-Baker <phill@hallambaker.com>

> On Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 12:30 PM Warren Parad <wparad@rhosys.ch> wrote:
>> If I understand correctly, I don't like this at all. In the OAuth context
>> you can already use (nay, must use) your DNS as the Issuer for these tokens
>> and specify the appropriate user ID in the *sub *claim of the generated
>> identity tokens. Given this is already possible, and realistically up to
>> the AS Issue to determine which values to populate into the *sub. *The
>> fact that the Subject claim should really be opaque to the resultant OAuth
>> compatible application, I'm not really sure what is being requested here.
>> Based on what you are saying, what existing standard needs to be created
>> or changed to support this, because from my perspective, this is already
>> the current state of the world, isn't it?
> Standards are what people actually use.
> Right now, I cannot go to a Web site and expect them to support use of my
> DNS handle, even though almost all the infrastructure required to support
> it already exists.
> IETF has been talking about decentralization, here is a mechanism that can
> achieve it. And its not just the IETF. There are a lot of governments who
> are rather upset at the walled-garden cartels and some have begun the
> process of breaking them up.
> Standards are not just about agreeing ways to do things, it is the process
> of getting widespread agreement to use the same approach.
> As for the need for documentation, I am utterly unable to understand what
> you are saying about checking the sub field and the
> ATprotocol documentation on it is opaque at best. And a really good rule of
> thumb in things security is that where the descriptions are unclear, there
> are at best non-conforming deployments that have security vulnerabilities.
> I am highly skeptical of Passkeys because the 'documentation' they have
> provided is mostly marketecture with pointers to documents that spend more
> time defining unhelpful jargon than actually explaining anything.
> If this is to become a widely supported approach, we need a profile to
> describe the particular way to go about it. What we have now is a stack of
> specifications that have evolved over a period of 20 years designed to
> support a slightly different objective.
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