Re: [OAUTH-WG] 答复: Re: A question of 1.3.1. Authorization Code in rfc6749 The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework Fri, 11 January 2013 09:30 UTC

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Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] 答复: Re: A question of 1.3.1. Authorization Code in rfc6749 The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework
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Justin Richer <> 写于 2013-01-10 01:38:06:

> Brent,
> If you're sending the code in the back channel directly to the Client,
> as I believe you're doing from your text below, I would like you to
> realize some things:
> 1) This is not OAuth, and is in fact antithetical to the OAuth way of
> solving the connection problem.
> 2) You are actually lowering your overall security because the access
> code is no longer bound to any particular browser session with either
> the client or the AS.
> 3) If you're sending it directly, there is no longer any point of using
> the code, since the Client is just going to turn around and send it to
> the AS again to get a token. Why not just send the token? But again,
> this is still not OAuth.
> Think about it this way: There are three connections in the common OAuth
> Authorization Code scenario, which is why it's known as a three-legged
> OAuth flow in many circles. Each of these legs has unique properties, is
> protected by different things, and is exposed to different pieces of
> knowledge at different times.
> 1) Client <-> User Agent: protected by a local session of the Client's
> choosing. For Web based clients this is often standard HTTP session
> cookies or similar, potentially backed by a login of some type by the
> user to the Client as well. This session is never exposed to the
> Authorization Server.
> 2) Authorization Server <-> User Agent: protected by a local session of
> the Authorization Server's choosing, normally through some kind of
> Primary Credential (login) that the user has a the AS. Importantly,
> these credentials are never exposed to the Client.
> 3) Client <-> Authorization Server: protected by the client credentials,
> which are, importantly, not exposed to the user or user agent.
> By sending the code as part of the redirect, the Client is able to prove
> that the User Agent actually went to the Authorization Server (2) and
> got something. The Authorization Code is then sent through the bottom
> leg (3) of the channel to verify that it really did come from the
> Authorization Server in the context of the user that was just there in
> (1). 

How is Client assured the UA actually went to AS and got something by the 
following URL?

HTTP/1.1  Host:

  In other words, this mechanism that you seem to be avoiding is
> exactly what makes OAuth secure.
> If you instead send the code through (3), then the Client as no way at
> all of knowing that the user in (1) ever went to the authorization
> server via (2). All the Client knows is that they sent the user
> someplace and that a magic code showed up. It is very, very, very
> dangerous and a very, very bad idea to assume that a code coming in the
> back channel (3) has anything at all to do with any particular session 
> This approach does *not* mitigate any real security threats, and in fact
> introduces a great number of others, as described here. There are much
> better ways to protect the Authorization Code, and most of the best
> practices are enumerated in the security considerations document. Some
> of the most common are:
> 1) Make Authorization Codes one-time-use (even if you try and fail, it's
> thrown away)
> 2) Make Authorization Codes time out after a very short period (minutes
> or seconds)
> I hope this helps.
> -- Justin
> On 01/09/2013 01:42 AM, Peng Zhou wrote:
> > Dear SuJing:
> >
> > If it is the only reason, why we send the authorization code to the
> > client directly and send another notification without the
> > authorization code to the RO. This way can mitigate the chance that
> > the authorization code is exposed to the RO's user-agent, hence
> > protecting the authorization code from leaking to possible attackers
> > in a higher security levle.
> >
> > Best Regards
> > Brent
> >
> > 2013/1/9  <>:
> >> Then why not let auth code be sent directly from AS to Client?
> >>
> >> Just want to inform RO that an auth code has been dilivered to 
> >>
> >> 写于 2013-01-09 14:27:50:
> >>
> >>> Hi Brent,
> >>>
> >>> Few points, why this doesn't create any security implications..
> >>>
> >>> 1. Authorization server maintains a binding to the Client, who the
> >>> token was issued to. To exchange this to an Access token client
> >>> should authenticate him self.
> >>> 2. Code can only be exchanged once for an acces token.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks & regards,
> >>> -Prabath
> >>> On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 6:56 AM, cspzhouroc 
> >>>> wrote:
> >>> Dear All:
> >>>
> >>> I have a question in the section 1.3.1. Authorization Code in 
> >>> The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework.
> >>>
> >>> It tells "which in turn directs the resource owner back to the 
> >>> with the authorization code."
> >>>
> >>> Who can let me know the reason why is the authorization code sent to
> >>> client through a redirection in resource owner's agent?  Any 
> >>> implications?
> >>>
> >>> Is it possible to let the authorization server send the 
> >>> code to the client directly (not through resource owner's 
> >>>
> >>> Best Regards
> >>> Brent
> >>>
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> OAuth mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Thanks & Regards,
> >>> Prabath
> >>>
> >>> Mobile : +94 71 809 6732
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> http://RampartFAQ.com_______________________________________________
> >>> OAuth mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
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> >