[OAUTH-WG] RFC 8898 - UAC security threats

Timothée Jaussoin <edhelas@movim.eu> Tue, 15 October 2024 12:20 UTC

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Subject: [OAUTH-WG] RFC 8898 - UAC security threats
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I'm currently implementing the RFC 8898 and I have a question regarding 
this specific paragraph (in 

    /The UAC MUST check the AS URL received in the 401/407 response
    against a list of trusted ASs configured on the UAC in order to
    prevent several classes of possible vulnerabilities when a client
    blindly attempts to use any provided AS./

Is it possible to have some precision on the kind of vulnerabilities 
that not checking the returned AS URL in the UAC could cause? This 
actually change the purpose of this RFC as it doesn't allow anymore to 
discover some new AS but more to guide the UAC to a specific AS based on 
its own list.


Timothée Jaussoin/