[OAUTH-WG] typo/missing word in JWT and SAML I-Ds
Brian Campbell <bcampbell@pingidentity.com> Thu, 12 April 2012 21:29 UTC
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I was putting together a little summary writeup on some of these drafts yesterday and I noticed a missing "a" in the abstract of http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-jones-oauth-jwt-bearer-03 - it says, "This specification defines the use of a JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer Token as means for requesting..." but should probably say "This specification defines the use of a JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer Token as *a* means for requesting..." And http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-10 has nearly the identical omission. The latter draft is in WGLC and I wasn't sure if I should produce a new revision to correct this little editorial item now or wait until after last call?
- [OAUTH-WG] typo/missing word in JWT and SAML I-Ds Brian Campbell