[OAUTH-WG] Reminder: OAuth WG Conference Call, 21st January 2013, 1pm EST

Hannes Tschofenig <hannes.tschofenig@gmx.net> Thu, 17 January 2013 13:43 UTC

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Hi all, 

We will have our next OAuth conference call on the 21st January 2013, 1pm EST (for roughly one hour).

John & Nat kindly offered their conference bridge. It is the same bridge we used before.

We will continue where we stopped last time, namely we stopped our discussions at the crypto agility requirement 
(first requirement in http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-tschofenig-oauth-security-01#section-5)  

Here is the slide set I used last time:
(We stopped at slide #2.)

We also did not manage to get to discuss the use case Justin raised at the first conference call. He distributed a writeup on the list:

Hannes & Derek

PS: I will try to distribute my meeting minute notes from the previous call by tomorrow.