[OAUTH-WG] Re: RFC 9470 on OAuth 2.0 Step Up Authentication Challenge Protocol

"Giner Stéphane (PJ)" <stephane.giner@justice.ge.ch> Thu, 27 June 2024 07:50 UTC

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I read your document and I just want to say that I already manage ACR with multiple clientId to protect encapsulated domains.

For example for an ecommerce site I got a global clientId to allow user to connect to the site and specific clientId to protect user information like address or bank account.


When the client want to access to the protected user information, it will be redirected to the specific clientId, and the authorization server will provide a new authentication with, if necessary, a second factor. Client can also, if it know that it must provide a specific token for this domain, request this specific token with a token exchange request.

Don't hesitate to tell me if I'm wrong and explain you point of view between multiple clientId (for multiple domains) and ACR


Stéphane GINER