Re: [OAUTH-WG] Call for Adoption

George Fletcher <> Tue, 26 January 2016 19:14 UTC

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From: George Fletcher <>
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So I'm fine with not requiring discovery in the simple case of an RS 
supporting a single AS. However, once the RS moves to supporting 
multiple authorization servers then I believe that discovery based on 
the 'iss' string is required. The discovery results can be cached so a 
discovery lookup per transaction is not required.


On 1/26/16 1:58 PM, Brian Campbell wrote:
> I'm staying that it's sufficiently unlikely that it shouldn't be part 
> of the threat model and that a discovery lookup on iss isn't necessary.
> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 8:21 AM, George Fletcher < 
> <>> wrote:
>     While it's a different way of getting the endpoints mixed up, I
>     don't think that makes it invalid. If we are going to address the
>     attack vector I believe we should solve it for "all" cases not
>     just the ones that seem most likely.
>     Thanks,
>     George
>     On 1/26/16 8:37 AM, Brian Campbell wrote:
>>     I'm not sure what's described in the blog post is actually a
>>     variant of an attack that anyone is really concerned about? A
>>     client developer would have to change a production system to use
>>     an unfamiliar value for the token endpoint based solely on a an
>>     email without even looking at service documentation or metadata.
>>     On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 6:29 PM, Nat Sakimura <
>>     <>> wrote:
>>         I wrote a blog on why the current mix-up draft approach does
>>         not solve the issue.
>>         Hopefully, the point I am making is clearer by this.
>>         Best,
>>         Nat
>>         2016年1月23日(土) 8:32 Mike Jones
>>         <
>>         <>>:
>>             I like the “from which the authorization server's
>>             configuration information location can be derived”
>>             language.  Thanks.  I’ll plan to incorporate that the
>>             next time the draft is revised.
>>             -- Mike
>>             *From:*Brian Campbell [
>>             <>]
>>             *Sent:* Friday, January 22, 2016 3:26 PM
>>             *To:* Nat Sakimura <
>>             <>>
>>             *Cc:* Mike Jones <
>>             <>>; Justin Richer
>>             < <>>;
>>             < <>> <
>>             <>>
>>             *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Call for Adoption
>>             I agree that the language describing OAuth issuer could
>>             and should be improved. The text now reads like it is the
>>             exact and full URL where the metadata/discovery document
>>             is located. Perhaps something more like "the URL from
>>             which the authorization server's configuration
>>             information location can be derived" and explain that
>>             adding the .well-known bits to the issuer is where the
>>             configuration information can actually be found.
>>             On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 7:07 PM, Nat Sakimura
>>             < <>> wrote:
>>                 Re: iss. I discussed this a bit with Nov in more
>>                 details. It probably is a sloppy language of the
>>                 specs that is making it difficult to read what you
>>                 wanted to achieve.
>>                 In mix-up-mitigation draft, OAuth issuer is "the URL
>>                 of the authorization server's configuration
>>                 information location". In OAuth discovery draft,
>>                 there is something called "OAuth 2.0 Configuration
>>                 Information Location URL", which is equal to "OpenID
>>                 Connect Issuer".
>>                 When I wrote the statement, I thought you were
>>                 pointing to the URL that you can actually pull the
>>                 configuration information by "the URL of the
>>                 authorizaiton server's configuration information
>>                 location" since otherwise you would have used the
>>                 term "OAuth 2.0 Configuration Information Location
>>                 URL". But after all, you probably meant these two are
>>                 the same. Then I would strongly recommend to fix the
>>                 language.
>>                 Now, even If that is the case, the relationship like
>>                 ·iss + .well-know/openid-configuration = Connect OP
>>                 config endoint
>>                 ·OAuth config endpoint -
>>                 .well-known/openid-configuration = OAuth iss
>>                 is very confusing.
>>                 You also claim that your approach is simpler, but to
>>                 me, your approach seem to be overly complex. It
>>                 requires discovery and the check for the value of the
>>                 discovered config information to work as the
>>                 mitigation. (Right. Draft -01 does not have it, so it
>>                 does not solve the mix-up issue.) With oauth-meta,
>>                 you do not need it.
>>                 Finally, your point that HATEOAS reminds you of WSDL,
>>                 it is not. If you want to have something similar to
>>                 WSDL in REST API area, it is Swagger. (Actually, it
>>                 is gaining a lot of momentum recently, but that's
>>                 beside the fact ;-). And the point here is not the
>>                 format but the fact that we need to have a way to
>>                 associate metadata to the data. The root cause of
>>                 this mix-up attack is that the metadata and data is
>>                 not associated properly. We have a standard way of
>>                 associating the data and metadata with link-rel such
>>                 as RFC5988 so why not use it? Link-rel-href pattern
>>                 is used a lot now. Most modern web pages actually
>>                 have it. Using a proper way to associate metadata
>>                 with data will save you from a lot of other attacks
>>                 in the future. Instead of doing patch works, we
>>                 should solve it architecturally.
>>                 Nat
>>                 2016年1月22日(金) 10:34 Mike Jones
>>                 <
>>                 <>>:
>>                     Nat, I’m confused by this statement in the
>>                     message you reference “Unfortunately, this does
>>                     not match the value of OAuth issuer defined in
>>                     Section 2
>>                     of draft-jones-oauth-mix-up-mitigation-01 nor the
>>                     'iss' returned as specified in 3.1. As such,
>>                     validation as specified in bullet 1 of Section 4
>>                     fails in Google's case -- OR it means that the
>>                     document is internally inconsistent.”. The issuer
>>                     definition in draft-jones-oauth-discovery is 100%
>>                     compatible with the one in OpenID Connect
>>                     Discovery, by design.  In the Google example,
>>                     both the OpenID issuer and the OAuth issuer
>>                     values would be the string
>>                     “”. What is the
>>                     inconsistency that you perceive?
>>                     The discussion of the duplication problem
>>                     happened in the private meetings in Yokohama.
>>                     I will admit, in Yokohama, I didn’t speak up in
>>                     the public meetings to point out that a simpler
>>                     alternative to oauth-meta was already being
>>                     discussed there in private, because then I would
>>                     have had to talk about the security issues, which
>>                     we’d decided not to publicly do at that point. So
>>                     I stayed silent during the poll, out of
>>                     politeness. Perhaps I should have found a way to
>>                     say something then anyway, but that’s water under
>>                     the bridge now.
>>                     Finally, for what it’s worth, the HATEOAS stuff
>>                     reminds me far too much of Web Services
>>                     Description Language (WSDL) – part of the
>>                     complexity baggage that helped sink Web
>>                     Services.  The use of “link rel” to define an
>>                     interaction vocabulary and publish endpoints for
>>                     that vocabulary seems pretty baroque and
>>                     reminiscent of “microformats” – another cute
>>                     “Webby” innovation that never caught on.  The
>>                     industry has pretty much voted with its feet and
>>                     is using JSON for publishing discovery data
>>                     structures – not “link rel”.  I am against us
>>                     reverting to the “link rel” proposal from 2008
>>                     that never caught on when JSON is simpler and
>>                     does a better job.
>>                     -- Mike
>>                     *From:*Nat Sakimura [
>>                     <>]
>>                     *Sent:* Thursday, January 21, 2016 6:24 AM
>>                     *To:* Justin Richer <
>>                     <>>; Mike Jones
>>                     <
>>                     <>>
>>                     *Cc:* William Denniss <
>>                     <>>; <
>>                     <>> <
>>                     <>>
>>                     *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Call for Adoption
>>                     Mike,
>>                     You just criticize my draft. That's ok, but I
>>                     would really like to get some response to my
>>                     questions stated in
>>            .
>>                     To me, it just does not seem to work, and the
>>                     combination of the oauth-meta and PKCE seems to
>>                     be much more elegan, nicer, and much simpler to
>>                     implement. If you just give up the dynamic
>>                     response at the authorization endpoint, then you
>>                     even do not have to touch the code but just
>>                     change a config file.
>>                     Please convince me by answering to my questions.
>>                     For the record of Yokohama, I do not recall much
>>                     about duplication in OAuth session. The poll in
>>                     the room was 19 for / zero against / 4 persons
>>                     need more information. Indeed, it is not
>>                     duplicating much. And if you move to a new model
>>                     without pre-configured discovery, it is not
>>                     duplicating any but the resource endpoint URI,
>>                     which is optional and is for the cases where the
>>                     client did not know the concrete resource
>>                     endpoint to start with.
>>                     I understand your usecases always start from a
>>                     concrete endpoint location. Mine do not. In a
>>                     four party model, it is likely not. The user just
>>                     want to have the service to fetch his data from
>>                     some resource endpoint. He just hits the service.
>>                     He does not hit the resource endpoint directly.
>>                     For example, in the case of a consumer using a
>>                     personal finance platform (PFP)to manage his
>>                     pension fund, he hits the PFP and not the Pension
>>                     fund. Assuming that the pension fund has
>>                     delegated the authorization control to the
>>                     authorization server, then, the authorization
>>                     server should return both the access token and
>>                     the endpoint of the pension fund so that the PFP
>>                     can pull the data using them. A similar model
>>                     holds for personal health service and health care
>>                     providers.
>>                     Best,
>>                     Nat
>>                     2016年1月21日(木) 21:18 Justin Richer
>>                     < <>>:
>>                         Convergence is exactly what I’m arguing for,
>>                         though. These things ought to work together.
>>                          — Justin
>>                             On Jan 21, 2016, at 2:55 AM, Mike Jones
>>                             <
>>                             <>> wrote:
>>                             My memory of the discussions of the
>>                             oauth-meta draft in Yokohama were that
>>                             many people felt that it was
>>                             unnecessarily dynamically duplicating a
>>                             lot of information that the client
>>                             already had.  Most of us that were aware
>>                             of the attacks then were in favor of a
>>                             more targeted, minimal approach.  You
>>                             were listened to in Yokohama, but that
>>                             didn’t necessarily mean that people
>>                             agreed with the approach. Participants
>>                             were already aware of the oauth-meta
>>                             proposal in Darmstadt but no one spoke up
>>                             in favor of it that I can recall. Rather,
>>                             I think people were thinking that “less
>>                             is more”.
>>                             There have also been discussions in the
>>                             last day about how dynamically returning
>>                             a resource URL, which oauth-meta does, is
>>                             both unnecessary (since the client
>>                             initiated the resource authorization
>>                             already knowing what resource it wants to
>>                             access) and often problematic, since many
>>                             authorization servers can authorize
>>                             access to multiple resources.  If
>>                             anything, the client should be telling
>>                             the authorization server what resource it
>>                             wants to access – not the other way around.
>>                             I’m not saying that there aren’t some
>>                             good ideas in the oauth-meta draft – I’m
>>                             sure there are, just as there are in the
>>                             approach designed by the participants in
>>                             Darmstadt. While I volunteered to write
>>                             the first draft of the mix-up-mitigation
>>                             approach, it really reflects something a
>>                             lot of people have already bought into –
>>                             as evidenced in the passion in the
>>                             high-volume “Mix-Up About The Mix-Up
>>                             Mitigation” thread, and not just my
>>                             personal project.
>>                             If you think there are things missing or
>>                             wrong in the mix-up-mitigation draft,
>>                             please say what they are.  That will help
>>                             us quickly converge on a solution that
>>                             will work for everyone.
>>                             Sincerely,
>>                             -- Mike
>>                             *From:*Nat Sakimura
>>                             []
>>                             *Sent:* Wednesday, January 20, 2016 11:17 PM
>>                             *To:* Mike Jones
>>                             <
>>                             <>>;
>>                             William Denniss <
>>                             <>>; Justin
>>                             Richer <
>>                             <>>
>>                             *Cc:* <>
>>                             *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Call for Adoption
>>                             Hi Mike.
>>                             Conversely, I would like to ask why this
>>                             approach does not work for Mix-up
>>                             attack. As Nov stated, we in fact have
>>                             discussed the approach in quite a length
>>                             back in Yokohama. I really would like to
>>                             know why it does not work.
>>                             Besides, for oauth-meta approach, mix-up
>>                             attack is only one of the thing it solves.
>>                             Nat Sakimura
>>                             2016年1月21日(木) 16:02 Mike Jones
>>                             <
>>                             <>>:
>>                                 Not to be negative, but I disagree
>>                                 with adopting
>>                                 draft-sakimura-oauth-meta. We should
>>                                 define and promote one mitigation
>>                                 approach to the mix-up attacks.
>>                                 Having two would confuse implementers
>>                                 and cause compatibility problems –
>>                                 reducing overall security.
>>                                 The approach defined in
>>                                 draft-jones-oauth-mix-up-mitigation
>>                                 was created in collaboration with the
>>                                 security researchers who identified
>>                                 the problems in the first place, was
>>                                 vigorously discussed in the security
>>                                 meeting Hannes and Torsten held in
>>                                 Darmstadt, and has been since refined
>>                                 based on substantial input from the
>>                                 working group.  And at least three
>>                                 implementers have already stated that
>>                                 they’ve implemented it.  I’m not
>>                                 saying that it’s, but if there are
>>                                 things missing or things that need to
>>                                 be improved in our approach, we
>>                                 should do it there, rather
>>                                 introducing a competing approach.
>>                                 Also, standard OAuth deployments
>>                                 register the client and then use the
>>                                 information gathered at registration
>>                                 time for subsequent protocol
>>                                 interactions. They do not need all
>>                                 the configuration information for the
>>                                 authorization server to be
>>                                 retransmitted at runtime. The
>>                                 oauth-meta draft goes too far in that
>>                                 direction, at least as I see it. 
>>                                 Returning things two ways creates its
>>                                 own problems, as discussed in the
>>                                 Duplicate Information Attacks
>>                                 security considerations section (7.2)
>>                                 of the mix-up-mitigation draft.
>>                                 I’ll note that the mix-up-mitigation
>>                                 approach is compatible with existing
>>                                 practice in both static and dynamic
>>                                 metadata discovery. Replying to
>>                                 Justin’s comment that “It's the
>>                                 pre-configured discovery document
>>                                 that's at the root of the mix-up
>>                                 attack in the first place” – this is
>>                                 not the case.  The attacks can be
>>                                 performed without either discovery or
>>                                 dynamic registration.
>>                                 I would be interested in hearing a
>>                                 technical discussion on whether there
>>                                 are aspects of the oauth-meta
>>                                 approach that mitigate aspects of the
>>                                 attacks that the mix-up-mitigation
>>                                 approach does not.  That could help
>>                                 inform whether there are additional
>>                                 things we should add to or change in
>>                                 the mix-up draft.
>>                                 -- Mike
>>                                 *From:*OAuth
>>                                 [
>>                                 <>] *On
>>                                 Behalf Of *William Denniss
>>                                 *Sent:* Wednesday, January 20, 2016
>>                                 10:37 PM
>>                                 *To:* Justin Richer <
>>                                 <>>
>>                                 *Cc:*
>>                                 <>
>>                                 *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Call for
>>                                 Adoption
>>                                 +1 to adopt this, and I agree with
>>                                 Justin's comments.
>>                                 On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 9:53 PM,
>>                                 Justin Richer <
>>                                 <>> wrote:
>>                                     +1
>>                                     Inline discovery and
>>                                     pre-configured discovery (ie,
>>                                     .well-known) should at the very
>>                                     least be compatible and developed
>>                                     together. It's the pre-configured
>>                                     discovery document that's at the
>>                                     root of the mix-up attack in the
>>                                     first place.
>>                                      -- Justin
>>                                     On 1/19/2016 10:30 PM, Nat
>>                                     Sakimura wrote:
>>                                         Just to give more context, at
>>                                         IETF 94, I have done a
>>                                         presentation on discovery.
>>                                         According to the minutes,
>>                                             (f) Discovery (Nat)
>>                                                      Nat explains his
>>                                         document as an example of the
>>                                         work that has to be done
>>                                                      in the area of
>>                                         discovery, which is a topic
>>                                         that has been identified
>>                                                      as necessary for
>>                                         interoperability since many
>>                                         years but so far there
>>                                                      was not time to
>>                                         work on it. Mike, John and
>>                                         Nat are working on a new
>>                                                      document that
>>                                         describes additional
>>                                         discovery-relevant components.
>>                                                      Poll: 19 for /
>>                                         zero against / 4 persons need
>>                                         more information.
>>                                         The document discussed there
>>                                         was
>>                                         <>
>>                                         This is a simple (only
>>                                         1-page!) but a very powerful
>>                                         document that nudges towards
>>                                         HATEOAS which is at the core
>>                                         of RESTful-ness. It also
>>                                         mitigates the Mix-up attack
>>                                         without introducing the
>>                                         concept of issuer which is
>>                                         not in RFC6749. It is also
>>                                         good for selecting different
>>                                         endpoints depending on the
>>                                         user authentication and
>>                                         authorization results and
>>                                         more privacy sensitive than
>>                                         pre-announced Discovery
>>                                         document. It also allows you
>>                                         to find to which protected
>>                                         resource endpoint you can use
>>                                         the access token against.
>>                                         In the last sentence of the
>>                                         minutes, it talks about "a
>>                                         new document that describes
>>                                         additional discovery-relevant
>>                                         components". This is
>>                                         It went for the call for
>>                                         adoption. However, it is only
>>                                         a half of the story. I
>>                                         believe
>>                                that
>>                                         was discussed at IETF 94 and
>>                                         had support there should be
>>                                         adopted as well.
>>                                         Nat Sakimura
>>                                         2016年1月20日(水) 12:05 Nat
>>                                         Sakimura <
>>                                         <>>:
>>                                             Thanks Hannes.
>>                                             I did not find
>>                                   , which
>>                                             was discussed in
>>                                             Yokohama, and was largely
>>                                             in agreement if my
>>                                             recollection is correct.
>>                                             Why is it not in the call
>>                                             for adoption?
>>                                             2016年1月19日(火) 20:39
>>                                             Hannes Tschofenig
>>                                             < <>>:
>>                                                 Hi all,
>>                                                 we have submitted our
>>                                                 new charter to the
>>                                                 IESG (see
>>                                                 and
>>                                                 since some IESG
>>                                                 members like to see
>>                                                 an updated list of
>>                                                 milestones as
>>                                                 well. For this
>>                                                 reason, based on a
>>                                                 suggestion from
>>                                                 Barry, we are also
>>                                                 starting a call for
>>                                                 adoption concurrently
>>                                                 with the review of
>>                                                 the charter
>>                                                 text by the IESG.
>>                                                 We will post separate
>>                                                 mails on the
>>                                                 individual documents.
>>                                                 Your feedback
>>                                                 is important! Please
>>                                                 take the time to look
>>                                                 at the documents and
>>                                                 provide
>>                                                 your feedback.
>>                                                 Ciao
>>                                                 Hannes & Derek
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