[OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT: 41 issues have been created on github
Daniel Fett <mail@danielfett.de> Wed, 13 November 2024 16:13 UTC
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Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT: 41 issues have been created on github
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Am 11.11.24 um 15:58 schrieb Denis: > This message is copied to Deb Cooley, our SEC Area Director. I see Hannes in the CC, but not Deb. Did you use BCC? > > By developing this draft in OAuth Working group, the major problem is > that the document focuses on a single protocol, > without having described the overall framework in which it will be > used. This draft is not targeted to be exclusively used > in the context of the OAuth Framework. It is well-known that one of > the targets is the EUDI wallet. This document, which does not mainly describe a protocol, but data formats, is generic in nature and not limited to the EUDI wallet. In fact, it is not even limited to wallet-based identity systems, as has been discussed a number of times in this group. Many of your suggestions below and in your proposed changes seem to be based on a misunderstanding about the scope of the work. Without protocols for issuing and presenting credentials (like OpenID4VC), SD-JWT cannot be used to built a wallet ecosystem. > > The basic protocol does not support the Verifier-Verifier > unlinkability property.The fact that the EUDI wallet, as described > in the ARF 1.4.1. does not support this property (despite the fact > that the EU Regulation mandates this principle in Article 5a (16) (b) > from REGULATION (EU) 2024/1183 of 11 April 2024) should not be taken > as an argument for not describing a variant of the protocol > using one-time use digital credentials. As above - SD-JWT is a data format. It can be used for one-time use credentials, but the magic happens in a protocol. > > A threat analysis has not been carried out for > draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-13 (nor for the ARF 1.4.1). Any threats identified and considered relevant have been addressed in the Security and Privacy Considerations sections. > > The threat that apply to the "End-user, Holder, Issuer and Verifier" 4 > roles model (note that I didn't used the wording > "Holder, Issuer and Verifier" 3 roles model) are specific and, when > selective disclosure is used, the major threat is the > End-user collaborative attack against a Verifier. This threat is not > mentioned in the Security Considerations section. You keep bringing up End-user collaborative attacks since at least 2017 and we have discussed them in the context of the OAuth Security BCP WGLC and the DPoP WGLC. All I have to say on that topic has been said and I will not engage in any further discussion on it, as it doesn't seem to be a good use of my time. > > I am proposing a way forward to defeat the collaborative End-Users > attack by defining a new claim that I called "hcar"' > for "_h_older _char_acteristics". It should be defined as an array of > characteristics. Using this claim, the Verifier will be able > to know a set of characteristics of the Holder. Potentially originating in the misunderstanding mentioned above, this is not for SD-JWT to solve. Please take a look at what OpenID4VC can do with regards to guaranteeing properties of certain parties to other parties (wallet/key attestations etc.). > > In another area, I would like to mention an improvement that could be > addressed using the "hcar"' claim that would allow > to support both suspension and revocation checking, without using > CRL-like mechanisms or OCSP-like mechanisms. (...) This and all the parts I snipped out for brevity here depend on a number of considerations that have to be made for specific deployments, each having their own set of requirements and limitations. A mechanism like this could, if deemed useful, be added by the concrete deployment. It exceeds the scope of this basic data format to define such a mechanism. -Daniel > > Denis > >> Hello Denis, >> >> Thank you for your continued interest in this work, >> >> One of the draft's co-editors has already reviewed the comments and >> worked to identify appropriate and actionable items, incorporating >> these into a pull request in the repository’s source document. This >> work is ongoing, but we are hopeful to be in a position to publish >> the new draft -14 revision soon. >> >> Then, as I proposed during the session last Thursday, I suggest the >> WG proceed with submitting the draft to the IESG for publication >> while noting in the Shepherd Write-Up that Denis Pinkas has around >> forty unresolved comments. I believe it's completely reasonable at >> this point to declare the majority of that feedback as being "in the >> rough" with respect to WG consensus on the document content and >> desire to move it forward. >> >> Thanks, >> Brian >> >> >> On Wed, Nov 6, 2024 at 10:38 AM Denis <denis.ietf@free.fr> wrote: >> >> >> As I got no response to my comments sent to the OAuth mailing >> during the first WG LC, as well as during the second WG LC, >> I have posted today 41 issues on github. They are numbered from >> #482 until #522. >> >> See: >> https://github.com/oauth-wg/oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt/issues?page=1&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen >> <https://github.com/oauth-wg/oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt/issues?page=1&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen> >> >> To respond, please use the numbering #482 until #522 of the >> issues that have been posted on github. >> One major advantage is that every issue has now a header. Some >> text proposals have been slightly reworded. >> >> Denis >> >>> *Daniel, Kristina and Brian,* >>> * >>> You will find below 42 comments. Most of them have been sent >>> during the first Last Call, >>> but none has been addressed. **Each text change proposal is >>> numbered from 1 to 42.* >>> * >>> The main comments were sent on T**uesday, 17 September 2024 >>> under the subject: "**Re: WGLC for SD-JWT". >>> See: >>> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/oauth/sVks-Tf_XM6SLcdccIAX29n_Ui4/ >>> >>> * >>> *The introduction has been changed. My comments on the >>> introduction have been revised and adapted to it. >>> ** >>> 1.**The second sentence of the second paragraph mentions:* >>> >>> *In this model, a JWT containing many claims is issued to an >>> intermediate party, who holds the JWT (the Holder).* >>> ** >>> >>> ***COMMENT: In the introduction, it is important, to make the >>> difference between the Holder, which is an *application*, >>> and the individual (i.e. End-User) who is assumed to have the >>> control of that application. The use of the word "entity" >>> is to broad and does not capture this difference. An individual >>> may consent to an operation that the Holder can perform. >>> A Holder does not "consent". >>> >>> This difference is well noticed later on in clause 7.2: >>> * >>> >>> *7.2.Processing by the Holder* >>> *(...)* >>> *For presentation to a Verifier, the Holder MUST perform the * >>> *following (or equivalent) steps:* >>> ** >>> *1.Decide which Disclosures to release to the Verifier,* >>> **obtaining proper End-User consent* if necessary.* >>> ** >>> >>> *In the introduction, it is also important to mention that >>> "claims" refers both to object properties >>> name/value pairs) and to array elements. The current text does >>> not mention it. >>> >>> Replace by: >>> >>> In this model, a JWT can contain both regular claims and >>> selectively disclosable claims that are issued >>> an End-User who is assumed to have the control of a Holder. >>> >>> When requesting a digital credential to an Issuer, the End-User >>> using his Holder CAN ask the Issuer >>> to include a set of claims while obfuscating other claims. >>> "Claims" here refers both to object properties >>> (name/value pairs) and to array elements.The Issuer then >>> produces two elements: >>> >>> - a SD-JWT that contains both regular claims and digests of >>> selectively-disclosable claims, >>> >>> - a set of regular claims for the selectively-disclosable claims. >>> >>> The resulting structure is called: SD-JWT + All.Claims >>> >>> **2.**The third sentence of the second paragraph mentions: >>> >>> The Holder can then present the JWT to different verifying parties >>> (Verifiers), that each may only require a subset of the claims >>> in the >>> JWT. >>> >>> Replace by: >>> * >>> >>> *When talking to a Verifier, the Holder CAN choose to >>> selectively disclose some obfuscated claims >>> by sending a subset of the disclosed claims.* >>> >>> *The resulting structure is called: SD-JWT + Sel.Claims* >>> >>> *3.**The fifth paragraph mentions:* >>> * >>> * >>> *To prevent attacks in which an SD-JWT is presented to a Verifier >>> without the Holder's consent, this specification additionally >>> defines >>> a mechanism for binding the SD-JWT to a key under the control of the >>> Holder (Key Binding).When Key Binding is enforced, a Holder has to >>> prove possession of a private key belonging to a public key >>> contained >>> in the SD-JWT itself.It usually does so by signing over a data >>> structure containing transaction-specific data, herein defined >>> as the >>> Key Binding JWT.An SD-JWT with a Key Binding JWT is called SD- >>> JWT+KB in this specification. >>> >>> COMMENT: Key Binding is not performed to prevent attacks without >>> the "Holder's consent". >>> In fact, key binding will be ineffective if the End-User >>> consents to perform a collaborative attack >>> against a Verifier for the profit of another individual ... >>> unless the Holder supports >>> specific characteristics that will be able to prevent such >>> collaborative attacks. Once again, >>> a Holder is an *application*, i.e., it is not a human being. >>> >>> Key Binding only demonstrates the knowledge a private key >>> corresponding to a public key contained in a SD-JWT. >>> It does not demonstrate the *possession* of a key. >>> >>> A key binding is performed: >>> * >>> >>> *(a) when requesting a SD-JWT to an Issuer, while * >>> *(b) the demonstration of that key binding is performed to a >>> Verifier at the presentation time.* >>> >>> *Replace by: >>> >>> When requesting a digital credential to an Issuer, the Holder CAN >>> demonstrate to the Issuer that the request originates from an >>> application that supports specific characteristics. In that case, >>> the Holder CAN include in his request a public key and demonstrate >>> to the Issuer the knowledge of the corresponding private key. >>> >>> When presenting a SD-JWT to a Verifier, the Holder CAN >>> then add a key-binding JWT, called KB-JWT, that allows to integrity >>> protect the "SD-JWT + Sel.Claims" structure. In this way, the >>> Verifier will be able to verify that the "SD-JWT + Sel.Claims" >>> structure and the KB-JWT " originate from a Holder that supports >>> specific characteristics. >>> >>> The strength of the key binding is dependent upon the >>> characteristics >>> of the Holder.Such characteristics include the generation of >>> key pairs, their protection as well as additional >>> characteristics in >>> particular to demonstrate its ability to counter collaborative or >>> collusions attacks between End-Users. >>> >>> COMMENT: It is important to state upfront that key binding is >>> not simply a cryptographic operation. >>> That cryptographic operation will be ineffective if the Holder >>> permits the legitimate End-User >>> to use private keys contained in the Holder for the benefit of >>> another individual. >>> >>> Unless the Verifier is able to know the characteristics of the >>> Holder by using *information present in the SD-JWT*, >>> the key binding mechanism can be easily defeated. The >>> information that shall be placed in the SD-JWT is currently >>> missing and should be added. See a later comment about a new >>> claim called "hcahr" claim (i.e. holder characteristics). >>> >>> ** >>> **4.**Last sentence from the fifth paragraph on page 5: >>> * >>> >>> *An SD-JWT with a Key Binding JWT is called SD-JWT+KB in >>> this specification.* >>> ** >>> >>> *Since the end result is the concatenation of two JWTs, it would >>> be more appropriate to call the structure SD-JWT+KB-JWT. * >>> *This change should be done everywhere in the document. >>> >>> Change into: >>> >>> An SD-JWT with a Key Binding JWT is called SD-JWT + KB-JWT in >>> this specification.* >>> * >>> However the description of the "**SD-JWT+KB composite structure" >>> is so unclear (so the next comments), >>> that this change might be inappropriate. In any case, please >>> clarify.* >>> ** >>> >>> *5.**Item 1 from Section 1.1. (Feature Summary) states: >>> >>> 1.1.Feature Summary >>> >>> This specification defines two primary data formats: >>> >>> 1.SD-JWT is a composite structure enabling selective disclosure of >>> its contents.It comprises the following: >>> >>> *(...) >>> *(...) >>> *A format extending the JWS Compact Serialization, allowing for >>> the combined transport of the Issuer-signed JSON data >>> structure and the disclosable data items >>> *An alternate format extending the JWS JSON Serialization, also >>> allowing for transport of the Issuer-signed JSON data >>> structure and disclosure data >>> >>> At the time of reading these two sentences, they are not >>> understandable. >>> These sentences should be rephrased so that that the motivations >>> behind them can become understandable >>> Please clarify.* >>> * >>> 6**.**Item 2 from Section 1.1. (Feature Summary) states: >>> >>> 2.SD-JWT+KB is a composite structure enabling cryptographic key >>> binding when presented to the Verifier.It comprises the >>> following: >>> >>> *A facility for associating an SD-JWT with a key pair* >>> **A format for a Key Binding JWT (KB-JWT) that proves possession >>> of the private key of the associated key pair* >>> **A format extending the SD-JWT format for the combined >>> transport of the SD-JWT and the KB-JWT* >>> *The whole description is not understandable.* >>> * >>> * >>> *What is this "facility" ? See the comment 8 for a text change >>> proposal.* >>> * >>> * >>> ***7.**Item 2 from Section 1.1. (Feature Summary) states >>> >>> 2.SD-JWT+KB is a composite structure enabling cryptographic key >>> binding when presented to the Verifier.It comprises the >>> following: >>> >>> *(...) >>> *A format for a Key Binding JWT (KB-JWT) that proves possession >>> of the private key of the associated key pair >>> >>> There is no "proof of possession". What is a "***format for* a >>> Key Binding JWT (KB-JWT)" ?* >>> * >>> This description is not understandable. **See the next comment >>> for a text change proposal.** >>> >>> **8.**Item 2 from Section 1.1. (Feature Summary) states >>> >>> 2.SD-JWT+KB is a composite structure enabling cryptographic key >>> binding when presented to the Verifier.It comprises the >>> following: >>> >>> *(...) >>> *(...) >>> *A format extending the SD-JWT format for the combined >>> transport of the SD-JWT and the KB-JWT >>> >>> **This description is not understandable. While reading it, it >>> is not possible to understand >>> where the **selective disclosures **have been placed.* >>> >>> *Section 4 provides more details. The wording **"SD-JWT+KB" for >>> the composite structure does look not to be adequate >>> as in some cases the structure does not include the KB-JWT. >>> Since this structure is presented to the Verifier, >>> the wording "presentation structure" is proposed as it would be >>> more neutral.* >>> * >>> * >>> *It is thus proposed to replace the content of **the item 2 from >>> Section 1.1. by:*** >>> * >>> * >>> * 2. a composite presentation structure enabling >>> cryptographic key >>> binding when presented to the Verifier. It **is composed >>> of the >>> concatenation of**the following: >>> >>> * >>> * * an SD-JWT, >>> * one or more selected Disclosures, and >>> * a Key Binding JWT **that allows todemonstrate to a >>> Verifier >>> that a cryptographic result computed over the two >>> previous >>> components using a private key corresponding to a >>> public key >>> present in a SD-JWT is correct**.* >>> * >>> See more details in section 4. >>> * >>> * >>> * >>> *Everywhere in the document change "SD-JWT+KB" into >>> "presentation structure".* >>> * >>> 1.2.Conventions and Terminology >>> >>> **9.**The current definition of Selectively Disclosable JWT >>> (SD-JWT) is: >>> >>> Selectively Disclosable JWT (SD-JWT):A composite structure, >>> consisting of an Issuer-signed JWT (JWS, [RFC7515]) and zero or >>> more Disclosures, which supports selective disclosure as defined >>> in this document.It can contain both regular claims and digests >>> of selectively-disclosable claims. >>> >>> **The "all Disclosures" are not part of the SD-JWT. It they >>> were, they would be signed >>> and removing one of them would break the signature of the Issuer. >>> >>> Change into: >>> >>> Selectively Disclosable JWT (SD-JWT):A composite structure, >>> consisting of an Issuer-signed JWT (JWS, [RFC7515]) that contains >>> both regular claims and one or more digests of selectively- >>> disclosable claims.When a SD-JWT is sent back to a Holder, all >>> the disclosures corresponding to the selectively-disclosable >>> claims are also returned. When a SD-JWT is presented to a >>> Verifier, all or only a subset of the disclosures previously >>> obtained by the Holder are presented to the Verifier. >>> >>> **10.**The current definition of key Binding is: >>> >>> Key Binding:Ability of the Holder to prove legitimate possession of >>> an SD-JWT by proving control over a private key during the >>> presentation.When utilizing Key Binding, an SD-JWT contains the >>> public key corresponding to the private key controlled by the >>> Holder (or a reference to this public key). >>> >>> COMMENT: Talking of a "legitimate possession" is an abuse of >>> language. Who possesses the private key is unknown. >>> Even when the key is controlled by a Holder, the End-User can >>> decide to perform cryptographic computations >>> with the private key for the benefit of one or more End-Users. >>> If the set of claims does not allow to uniquely >>> identify the End-User, the End-User cannot be caught. In that >>> case, the End-User can even monetize his services >>> for the benefit of **e.g., **hundred or thousand of users. >>> >>> Replace this definition by: >>> >>> Key Binding:Ability to demonstrate to a Verifier that a >>> cryptographic result computed over a data structure using >>> a private key corresponding to a public key contained in a SD-JWT >>> is correct. >>> >>> **11.**The current definition of Key Binding JWT is: >>> >>> Key Binding JWT (KB-JWT):A JWT for proving Key Binding as defined >>> in Section 4.3.A Key Binding JWT is said to "be tied to" a >>> particular SD-JWT when its payload includes a hash of the SD-JWT >>> in its sd_hash claim. >>> >>> COMMENT: Referring to a subsequent Section is not adequate for a >>> definition. >>> The definition should be understandable without the need to look >>> at another section. >>> The KB-JWT does much more than the current description. >>> >>> Replace this definition by: >>> >>> Key Binding JWT (KB-JWT):A JWT that allows a Holder to disclose a >>> set of claims that were obfuscated in a SD-JWT, to restrict the >>> use of a SD-JWT to one or more designated Verifiers, to prevent >>> the replay of a SD-JWT by a designated Verifier to non-designated >>> Verifiers, to limit the use of the SD-JWT to a single exchange and >>> that allows the Verifier to make sure that these limitations are >>> enforced by a Holder that has the knowledge of a private key >>> corresponding to a public key contained in the SD-JWT. >>> ** >>> * >>> *12.**The current definition of Issuer is: >>> >>> * >>> *Issuer:An entity that creates SD-JWTs. >>> >>> Replace this definition by: >>> >>> Issuer:An entity that creates SD-JWTs and Disclosures. >>> ** >>> * >>> *13.**The current definition of Holder is: >>> >>> Holder:An entity that received SD-JWTs from the Issuer and has >>> control over them.In the context of this document, the term may >>> refer to the actual user, the supporting hardware and software in >>> their possession, or both. >>> >>> COMMENT: It is important to make the difference between the >>> (Holder) >>> application supported by some hardware and the End-User that has >>> the >>> control of that (Holder) application. At a lower level of >>> granularity, >>> a (Holder) application can be composed of several hardware and >>> software >>> elements such as: TEE, Trusted OS, Trusted Applications, Rich OS, >>> Untrusted Applications. These characteristics are fundamental to >>> successfully achieve or not "key binding". >>> >>> Replace this definition by: >>> >>> Holder:An application supported by hardware that obtains SD-JWTs >>> and Disclosures from an Issuer and is able to selectively >>> disclose to a Verifier claims contained those SD-JWTs.In the >>> context of this document, a Holder is placed under the control >>> of an End-User. >>> >>> **14.**The current definition of Verifier is: >>> >>> Verifier:An entity that requests, checks, and extracts the claims >>> from an SD-JWT with its respective Disclosures. >>> >>> Replace this definition by: >>> >>> Verifier:An entity that requests, receives a SD-JWT that contains >>> selectively disclosable claims and uses Selective Disclosures to >>> obtain one or more obfuscated claims._ >>> __ >>> _**15.**Add a definition for the term End-Use >>> >>> End-User: an individual assumed to have the control of a Holder. >>> ** >>> 16.**Correct Figure 1 as below: >>> >>> 3.Flow Diagram >>> >>> +------------+ >>> || >>> |Issuer| >>> || >>> +------------+ >>> | >>> Issues: SD-JWT + All Disclosures >>> | >>> v >>> +------------+ >>> || >>> |Holder|End-User >>> || >>> +------------+ >>> | >>> Presents: SD-JWT + **Selected Disclosures + **KB-JWT** >>> | >>> v >>> +-------------+ >>> ||+ >>> |Verifiers||+ >>> |||| >>> +-------------+|| >>> +-------------+| >>> +-------------+ >>> >>> Figure 1: SD-JWT Issuance and Presentation Flow* >>> * >>> >>> **17.**Section 3.1.SD-JWT and Disclosures >>> >>> The third sentence of the second paragraph states: >>> >>> The Disclosures are sent to the Holder as part of the SD-JWT in the >>> format defined in Section 4. >>> >>> The first sentence states: >>> >>> An SD-JWT, at its core, is a digitally signed JSON document >>> containing digests over the selectively disclosable claims with the >>> Disclosures outside the document. >>> >>> Hence, the Disclosures are NOT included in the Issuer-signed SD-JWT. >>> >>> Change the third sentence of the second paragraph into: >>> >>> The Disclosures are sent to the Holder in addition to the SD-JWT. >>> >>> COMMENT: The format used to carry both the SD-JWT and the >>> Disclosures is unclear. >>> ** >>> 18.**Section 3.2. >>> >>> 3.2.Disclosing to a Verifier >>> >>> To disclose to a Verifier a subset of the SD-JWT claim values, a >>> Holder sends only the Disclosures of those selectively released >>> claims to the Verifier as part of the SD-JWT. >>> >>> Change the third sentence of the second paragraph into: >>> >>> To disclose to a Verifier a subset of the SD-JWT claim values, >>> in addition to the SD-JWT, a Holder sends only the Disclosures >>> of those selectively released claims to the Verifier. >>> ** >>> 19.**Section 3.3 >>> >>> When a Verifier requires Key Binding, the Holder presents an SD- >>> JWT+KB, consisting of an SD-JWT as well as a Key Binding JWT tied to >>> that SD-JWT.The Key Binding JWT encodes a signature by the Holder's >>> private key over >>> >>> *a hash of the SD-JWT, >>> *a nonce to ensure the freshness of the signature, and >>> *an audience value to indicate the intended audience for the >>> document. >>> >>> Change: >>> >>> *a nonce to ensure the freshness of the signature, and >>> *an audience value to indicate the intended audience for the >>> document. >>> into: >>> >>> *a nonce previously received from the Verifier to ensure the >>> freshness of the signature, and >>> >>> *an audience value to indicate the intended Verifier for the >>> document. >>> ** >>> 20.**Section 4 >>> >>> 4.SD-JWT and SD-JWT+KB Data Formats* >>> >>> ** >>> *Change the title into: >>> >>> * >>> * 4.SD-JWT and presentation structure data formats* >>> * >>> * >>> *An SD-JWT is composed of >>> >>> *an Issuer-signed JWT, and >>> *zero or more Disclosures. >>> >>> No. The Disclosures, which are unsigned, are located outside the >>> SD-JWT. >>> * >>> * >>> * >>> *Change into: >>> >>> A data structure for a SD-JWT with Disclosures is composed of: >>> >>> *an Issuer-signed JWT, and >>> *one or more Disclosures. >>> >>> **21.**Section 4: >>> >>> An SD-JWT+KB is composed of >>> >>> *an SD-JWT (i.e., an Issuer-signed JWT and zero or more >>> Disclosures), and >>> *a Key Binding JWT. >>> >>> Change into: >>> >>> A **presentation structure **for a SD-JWT with Selected >>> Disclosures and with key binding >>> is composed of: >>> >>> *an SD-JWT >>> *one or more Selected Disclosures, and >>> *a Key Binding JWT. >>> >>> **22.**Section 4.1: >>> >>> It is the Issuer who decides which claims are selectively >>> disclosable >>> and which are not. >>> >>> Change into: >>> >>> It is the Issuer which decides which claims can be selectively >>> disclosed by the Holder and which claims are always disclosed. >>> >>> **23.****Section 4.2.2.Disclosures for Array Elements >>> >>> This section contains an interesting example for the use case >>> when an End-User has several nationalities. >>> It is proposed to add another interesting example for the use >>> case where an individual is willing >>> to demonstrate that he is above or/and under an age threshold >>> limit. >>> >>> Note: This topic has already been advertised to the OAuth >>> mailing list on20 September 2024 >>> under the title: " Re: WGLC for SD-JWT" and the sub-title: >>> *About disclosures for Array Elements versus disclosures of >>> name/value pair*. >>> >>> See: >>> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/oauth/EYlDtN8gg1--tsZ-AWolMjw4jAk/ >>> >>> Draft of Annex - Ares(2024)5786783 "laying down rules for the >>> application of Regulation (EU) >>> No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council as >>> regards person identification data >>> and electronic attestations of attributes issued to European >>> Digital Identity Wallets" identifies >>> the following two optional attributes: "age_over_18" and >>> "age_over_13" on page 3 in Table 2: Optional attributes. >>> >>> The threshold values depends upon the use case and vary country >>> by country. >>> Some examples are: over 13, over 15, over 18, over 21, over 60, >>> over 65 but also under 25 (for social networks). >>> >>> Rather than defining more optional attributes, like >>> "age_over_15", "age_over_21", "age_over_60", >>> "age_over_65" or "age_under_25", each time there will be a new >>> need, it is more adequate to define >>> two array elements that will allow to support any age threshold >>> value. >>> >>> This leads to define two arrays: >>> * >>> >>> *- "age_over", and* >>> *- "age_under".* >>> >>> *The Issuer may wish to make the whole "age_over" and/or >>> "age_under" field selectively disclosable >>> and allow the Holder to make the entries within the "age_over" >>> and/or "age_under" array selectively disclosable. >>> >>> Add the following text: >>> >>> The disclosure of age threshold values is another example.Rather >>> than defining attributes, >>> like "age_over_15", "age_over_21", "age_over_60", "age_over_65" >>> or "age_under_25", two array elements >>> allow to support any age threshold value. >>> >>> Two examples are mentioned below : >>> >>> { >>> "age_over": ["21", "13", "18", "15"] >>> } >>> >>> A Disclosure for the second element of the "age_over" array in >>> the following JWT Claims Set could be created. >>> >>> { >>> "age_under": ["25", "18"] >>> } >>> >>> A Disclosure for the first element of the "age_under" array in >>> the following JWT Claims Set could be created. >>> >>> I let the co-editors of the document to complete this example. >>> ** >>> * >>> *24.**Section 5.1.2 >>> >>> It is out of the scope of this document to describe how the Holder >>> key pair is established.For example, the Holder MAY create a key >>> pair and provide a public key to the Issuer, the Issuer MAY create >>> the key pair for the Holder, or Holder and Issuer MAY use pre- >>> established key material. >>> >>> COMMENT: The strength of the key binding mechanism is dependent >>> about the key generation process. >>> For example, if the key pair can be freely exported or shared, >>> then the strength of the key binding mechanism >>> becomes close to zero. A first condition (which will not be the >>> single one), shall be to use >>> a secure cryptographic application which is part of the Holder >>> application to generate the key pairs. >>> >>> In order to appreciate the strength key binding mechanism, the >>> Verifier shall be made aware >>> of the characteristics of the Holder. In order to avoid the use >>> of a specific protocol between the Holder and the Verifier >>> that could leak information that would be usable to link >>> different accesses, a transitive trust scheme is preferred. >>> >>> At the moment where he Holder requests a SD-JWT to the Issuer, a >>> specific protocol between the Holder and the Issuer >>> is used that allows the Issuer to know some of the >>> characteristics of the Holder. >>> These characteristics can then be included in a specific claim >>> of the SD-JWT (i.e., a "hchar" claim). >>> >>> Remove this paragraph and replace it with: >>> >>> The key pair SHALL be generated by a trusted part of the Holder >>> where the characteristics of that application >>> SHALL be included by the Issuer in SD-JWT using a specific claim >>> (i.e., a "hchar" claim). See clause 4.3.2. >>> >>> **25.**Section 4.2.1 >>> >>> 4.2.1.Disclosures for Object Properties >>> >>> Section 4.2.2 (Disclosures for Array Elements) contains a >>> consideration >>> that should also be applied to section 4.2.1 (Disclosures for >>> Object Properties). >>> >>> Add the following text below the header of this section: >>> >>> The Issuer SHOULD hide the order of the obfuscated claims in the >>> SD-JWT. >>> To ensure this, it is RECOMMENDED to add decoy digests and to >>> shuffle >>> the digests included in the SD-JWT payload. See section 4.2.5 about >>> Decoy Digests.It is also RECOMMENDED to use a fixed number of >>> digests, so that the Verifier cannot deduce the value of an >>> obfuscated >>> claim name that won't be revealed. >>> ** >>> 26.**Section 4.3 >>> >>> 4.3.Key Binding JWT >>> >>> (...) >>> >>> The Key Binding JWT MUST be a JWT according to [RFC7519] and its >>> payload MUST contain the following elements: >>> >>> *in the JOSE header, >>> (...) >>> >>> *in the JWT payload, >>> >>> -iat: REQUIRED.The value of this claim MUST be the time at >>> which the Key Binding JWT was issued using the syntax defined >>> in [RFC7519]. >>> >>> -aud: REQUIRED.The intended receiver of the Key Binding JWT. >>> How the value is represented is up to the protocol used and out >>> of scope of this specification. >>> >>> -nonce: REQUIRED.Ensures the freshness of the signature.The >>> value type of this claim MUST be a string.How this value is >>> obtained is up to the protocol used and out of scope of this >>> specification. >>> >>> -sd_hash: REQUIRED.The base64url-encoded hash value over the >>> Issuer-signed JWT and the selected Disclosures as defined >>> below. >>> >>> The time at which the Key Binding JWT was issued should not be >>> REQUIRED. >>> The use of the nonce is sufficient to prevent replay. >>> >>> Remove: >>> -iat: REQUIRED.The value of this claim MUST be the time at >>> which the Key Binding JWT was issued using the syntax defined >>> in [RFC7519]. >>> >>> **27.**Section 4.3.2 (Validating the Key Binding JWT) >>> >>> Some validation steps are missing. They should correspond in >>> particular to the REQUIRED claims from clause 4.3: >>> >>> -aud: REQUIRED >>> -nonce: REQUIRED >>> -sd_hash: REQUIRED >>> >>> The presence of an additional claim which is currently not yet >>> defined should be done. >>> The claim allows to know characteristics of the Holder. >>> >>> It is proposed to name this claim "hchar" for "holder >>> characteristics". >>> >>> Add the following text: >>> >>> The Verifier MUST verify that the Key Binding JWT is a JWT >>> according to [RFC7519] and that its payload contains the following >>> elements: >>> >>> -aud: REQUIRED.It MUST correspond to an identifier or a name >>> of the intended Verifier. >>> >>> -nonce: REQUIRED.It MUST correspond to value of the nonce that >>> was sent by the Verifier and received by the Holder when the >>> Holder made an access request to the verifier. The value type >>> of this claim MUST be a string. >>> >>> -sd_hash: REQUIRED.The base64url-encoded hash value over the >>> Issuer-signed JWT and the selected Disclosures. >>> >>> If the Verifier is willing to know the strength of the key >>> binding mechanism, the Verifier MUST verify >>> that the payload of the Key Binding JWT contains the following >>> element and that it understands its meaning: >>> >>> -hchar: REQUIRED.This claim allows the Verifier to know >>> specific characteristics of the Holder (holder characteristics), >>> in particular whether some of these characteristics are able to >>> counter Holder collaborative attacks against a Verifier. >>> >>> **28.**Section 7.1 (Verification of the SD-JWT) >>> >>> The text states: >>> >>> Upon receiving an SD-JWT, either directly or as a component of >>> an SD- >>> JWT+KB, a Holder or a Verifier needs to ensure that: >>> >>> *the Issuer-signed JWT is valid, i.e., it is signed by the Issuer >>> and the signature is valid, and >>> >>> Change into: >>> >>> Upon receiving an SD-JWT, a Holder or a Verifier needs to ensure >>> that: >>> >>> *the Issuer belongs to a set of Trusted Issuers using >>> a certification path up to a trusted root, >>> >>> *the Issuer-signed JWT is valid, i.e., it is signed by a Trusted >>> Issuer and the signature is valid, and >>> ** >>> 29.**Section 7.1 (Verification of the SD-JWT) >>> >>> Some steps are missing. >>> >>> Section 4.1 in step 6 mentions: >>> >>> 6.The payload MAY contain further claims such as iss, iat, etc. as >>> defined or required by the application using SD-JWTs. >>> >>> Corresponding verification steps should be added in section 7.1. >>> >>> After the following item: >>> >>> 3.Validate the Issuer and that the signing key belongs to this >>> Issuer. >>> >>> Add the following item: >>> >>> 4.If required by the application using SD-JWTs, check that >>> further claims such as iss, iat, nbf, exp, etc. are present >>> and contain appropriate values. >>> ** >>> 30.**Section 7.1 (Verification of the SD-JWT) >>> * >>> * >>> Some other steps are missing. >>> >>> Add: >>> 5.If required by the application using SD-JWTsand if the >>> SD-JWT contains claims such as nbf or exp, verify that the >>> current time lies between these two values. >>> >>> 6.If required by the application using SD-JWTsand if the >>> previous verification succeeds, verify that the SD-JWT is >>> not currently suspended, nor revoked. >>> >>> Note : The means to verify that the SD-JWT is not currently >>> suspended, nor revoked, are not defined in this document. >>> ** >>> * >>> *31.**Section 7.2 >>> * >>> * >>> * >>> *7.2.Processing by the Holder >>> >>> The Issuer MUST provide the Holder an SD-JWT, not an SD-JWT+KB.If >>> the Holder receives an SD-JWT+KB, it MUST be rejected. >>> >>> These sentences would mean that the Issuer would be in >>> possession of the private key able to sign the KB-JWT. >>> It is much better to construct an architecture where the Issuer >>> CANNOT be in possession of the private key >>> able to sign the KB-JWT. >>> >>> Remove these two sentences. >>> ** >>> 32.**Section 7.3 (Verification by the Verifier) >>> Upon receiving a presentation from a Holder, in the form of >>> either an >>> SD-JWT or an SD-JWT+KB, in addition to the checks outlined in >>> Section 8.1, Verifiers need to ensure that (...) >>> >>> The vocabulary should be aligned with the acronyms from Figure 1: >>> SD-JWT Issuance and Presentation Flow. >>> >>> Change into: >>> >>> Upon receiving a presentation structure from a Holder, in the >>> form of >>> either an SD-JWT + sel.disclosures or an SD-JWT + >>> sel.disclosures + SD-JKT, >>> in addition to the checks outlined in Section 8.1, Verifiers >>> need to >>> ensure that (...) >>> ** >>> 33.**Section 9.5 (Key Binding) >>> >>> Key Binding aims to ensure that the presenter of an SD-JWT >>> credential >>> is actually the legitimate Holder of the credential.An SD-JWT >>> compatible with Key Binding contains a public key, or a reference to >>> a public key, that corresponds to a private key possessed by the >>> Holder.The Verifier requires that the Holder prove possession of >>> that private key when presenting the SD-JWT credential. >>> >>> Without Key Binding, a Verifier only gets the proof that the >>> credential was issued by a particular Issuer, but the credential >>> itself can be replayed by anyone who gets access to it.This means >>> that, for example, after a credential was leaked to an attacker, the >>> attacker can present the credential to any verifier that does not >>> require a binding.But also a malicious Verifier to which the Holder >>> presented the credential can present the credential to another >>> Verifier if that other Verifier does not require Key Binding. >>> >>> These two paragraphs are incorrect. >>> >>> Let us suppose that an End-User B connects to a Verifier in >>> order to >>> perform an operation. The Verifier then returns a selection of >>> issuer >>> names, claim names and a nonce. Let us now assume that an >>> End-User A >>> accepts to collaborate with the End-User B.The End-User B >>> transmits the >>> nonce to the End-User A. The End-User A then provides a "SD-JWT + >>> **Selected Disclosures + **KB-JWT to the End-User B. In this >>> way, the End-User B >>> can take benefits of claims that belong to the End-User A. The >>> Verifier is not >>> in a position to know who is "the legitimate Holder of the >>> credential" >>> ... unless the set of disclosed claims allows to unambiguously >>> identify the End-User. >>> >>> The collusion attack has been described on the OAuth mailing >>> list on 07 November 2016. >>> The ABC attack (the Alice and Bob Collusion attack). >>> See: >>> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/oauth/UIsbsVtINPifrCjG7GDZM7FOi2g/ >>> <https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/oauth/UIsbsVtINPifrCjG7GDZM7FOi2g/>. >>> >>> A few extracts: >>> >>> Whatever kind of cryptographic is being used, when two users >>> collaborate, a software-only solution will be unable to prevent >>> the transfer of an attribute of a user that possess it to another >>> user that does not possess it . >>> >>> The use of a secure element or of a Trusted Application (TA) >>> running in a TEE only protecting >>> the confidentiality and the integrity of some secret key or >>> private key will be ineffective >>> to counter the Alice and Bob collusion attack. Additional >>> properties will be required >>> for the secure element or the Trusted Application (TA) running >>> in a TEE. >>> >>> Change into: >>> >>> An SD-JWT compatible with Key Binding contains a public key, or a >>> reference to a public key, that corresponds to a private key >>> known by >>> some entity. >>> >>> The Verifier requires that a Holder proves the knowledge >>> of that private key when presenting an SD-JWT + **Selected >>> Disclosures >>> +**KB-JWT structure to a Verifier. >>> >>> Key Binding aims to ensure that the presenter of a **SD-JWT + >>> ** Selected Disclosures +**KB-JWT structure**structure to a >>> Verifier >>> has either the knowledge of a private key corresponding to a >>> public key >>> contained in a SD-JWT or has had the ability to obtain a >>> cryptographic >>> result performed using that private key.* >>> >>> *Without Key Binding, a Verifier only gets the proof that the* >>> *credential was issued by a particular Issuer, but the credential* >>> *itself can be replayed by anyone who gets access to it. A >>> **malicious >>> Verifier to which the Holder presented the credential can also >>> present the credential to another Verifier* *if that other >>> Verifier does >>> not require Key Binding. >>> * >>> *With Key Binding, if two End-Users accept to collaborate, unless * >>> *specific characteristics are supported by the Holder, an >>> **SD-JWT + >>> ** Selected Disclosures +**KB-JWT structure**structure can >>> voluntarily be computed >>> and then transmitted by the legitimate Holder of a private key with >>> the consent of the End-User to another Holder. Using the "hchar" >>> claim, >>> the Verifier will be able to know whether some of these >>> characteristics are able to counter Holder collaborative attacks >>> against a Verifier. >>> >>> **34.**New section 9.12. Presentation of claims issued by >>> different Issuers >>> >>> The text below reuses text sent on 23 September 2024 to the >>> OAUth mailing list under the topic: >>> * >>> >>> ***[OAUTH-WG] How to get the benefits of BBS+, without its >>> drawbacks while using conventional cryptography ? >>> (Was SD-JWT and Unlinkability)* >>> >>> *See: >>> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/oauth/X4fZ-RMAfcC_5vAxl_qAnSBu8T0/ >>> >>> Add the following text: >>> >>> 9.12. Presentation of claims issued by different Issuers >>> >>> There exist use cases where claims issued by different Issuers need >>> to be presented to one Verifier.For example, an End-User would like >>> to demonstrate to a Verifier that that he lives in California using >>> a SD-JWT issued by a governmental organization and that he got a >>> specific diploma using a SD-JWT issued by a University. >>> >>> When using the regular SD-JWT mechanism, the Holder generates one >>> key pair for each Issuer. In this way, a SD-JWT issued by an >>> Issuer A >>> cannot be linked between collaborative Verifiers to a SD-JWT issued >>> by an Issuer B. >>> >>> For that specific use case, the Holder can generate a one-time one >>> key pair and use the same private key to request a SD-JWT from each >>> Issuer. >>> >>> The two issued SD-JWTs will contain the same public key and, using >>> the corresponding private key, the Holder will be able to >>> demonstrate >>> to one Verifier that the two presentations of the SD-JWT originate >>> from the same Holder. >>> >>> This means that the key pairs MUST be generated by a trusted >>> component from the Holder, e.g., running in a TEE.Both Issuers and >>> Verifiers MUST be able to obtain the characteristics of the trusted >>> component from Holder to be confident that Holder indeed supports >>> this scheme. >>> >>> Since that key pair will only be used once towards a single >>> Verifier, >>> a linkage between different collaborative Verifiers using the >>> framing >>> of the SD-JWT will not be possible. >>> >>> **35.**Section 10.1. (Unlinkability) >>> >>> 10.1.Unlinkability >>> >>> The word "unlinkability" is used with four different meanings or >>> flavours. >>> The last two properties are called: >>> * >>> >>> *Issuer/Verifier Unlinkability (Honest Verifier), and* >>> *Issuer/Verifier Unlinkability (Colluding/Compromised Verifier)* >>> ** >>> >>> *When reading these two long wordings, it is rather difficult to >>> understand their meaning >>> and their differences. >>> >>> The current text is using twice the word "track". >>> >>> *Cooperating Verifiers might want to *track* users across >>> services to >>> build advertising profiles. >>> >>> *Issuers might want to *track* where users present their credentials >>> to enable surveillance. >>> >>> In order to make the text more understandable, it is proposed to >>> use the terms "unlinkability" and "intrackability". >>> >>> Roughly speaking: >>> * >>> >>> * *Verifiers may attempt to *link* accesses performed by the >>> Holders.* >>> * *Issuers may either be required by a national authority or be >>> willing to *track* accesses performed by their Holders.* >>> >>> *This leads to consider one section dedicated to "unlinkability" >>> and another section dedicated to "intrackability". >>> >>> Text change proposal: >>> >>> 10.1.Unlinkability >>> >>> Unlinkability is a property whereby one or more Verifiers are >>> prevented from correlating SD-JWT presentations from the same >>> Holder. >>> >>> Without unlinkability, a Verifier might be able to learn more about >>> the End-User intended to disclose, for example: >>> >>> *A single Verifier might want to count the number of accesses made >>> by one Holder. >>> >>> *Collaborative Verifiers might want to learn that the same End-User >>> made an access to their services. >>> >>> In all cases, unlinkability is limited to cases where the disclosed >>> claims do not contain information that directly or indirectly >>> identifies the End-User.For example, when a taxpayer identification >>> number is contained in the disclosed claims, the Issuer and Verifier >>> can easily link the user's transactions.However, when the End-User >>> only discloses a birth date to one Verifier and a postal code to >>> another Verifier, the two Verifiers should not be able to determine >>> that they were interacting with the same user. >>> >>> The following types of unlinkability are considered here: >>> >>> *Single Verifier Unlinkability: incapability of one Verifier to >>> learn that it got two or more accesses using different sessions >>> from the same End-User or the same Holder. >>> >>> *Verifier/Verifier Unlinkability: incapability of two or more >>> collaborative Verifiers to learn that they got accesses from >>> the same End-User or the same Holder. >>> These collaborative Verifiers may wish to know whether they got an >>> access from the same End-User, without necessarily being able to >>> identify him. >>> >>> Independently from the set of disclosed claims, one or more fields >>> from the SD-JWT or of the KB-JWT may reveal that they relate either >>> to the same the End-User or to the same Holder, and hence to the >>> same End-User.In that case, if a first Verifier is able to >>> identify the End-User and collaborates with a second Verifier >>> which was unable to identifier the End-User, then the second >>> Verifier will be able to identify the End-User. >>> >>> Single Verifier Unlinkability and Verifier/Verifier unlinkability >>> can be achieved using batch issuance: a batch of SD-JWTs based >>> on the >>> same set of claims is issued to the Holder instead of just a single >>> SD-JWT.The Holder can then use a different SD-JWT for each >>> Verifier or even for each different session with a Verifier. >>> New key binding keys and salts MUST be used for each SD-JWT in >>> the batch to ensure that the Verifiers cannot link the SD-JWTs >>> using these values.Likewise, claims carrying time information, like >>> iat, exp, and nbf, MUST either be randomized within a time period >>> considered appropriate (e.g., randomize iat within the last 24 >>> hours >>> and calculate exp accordingly) or rounded (e.g., rounded down to the >>> beginning of the day). >>> >>> **36.**New Section 10.2 (Intrackability) >>> >>> Text addition proposal resulting from the split of section 10.1: >>> >>> 10.2.Intrackability >>> >>> Intrackability is a property whereby one or more Issuers are >>> normally prevented >>> to learn by which Verifier(s) a SD-JWT that they have issued has >>> been consumed. >>> >>> The following types of intrackability are considered here: >>> >>> *Holder intrackability by one Issuer: incapability of an Issuer >>> alone to learn to which Verifiers a SD-JWT that it has issued >>> will be presented by a Holder. >>> >>> *Holder intrackability by both Issuers and Verifiers: >>> incapability of one Issuer, with the help of one Verifier, to >>> learn by which Verifier a SD-JWT that it has issued has been >>> consumed. >>> >>> Holder intrackability by one Issuer is natively supported when using >>> SD-JWTs since a SD-JWT does not contain an "aud" claim. >>> >>> Holder intrackability by both Issuers and Verifiers cannot be >>> supported >>> using SD-JWTs, as soon as a Verifier communicates the SD-JWT >>> either to >>> an authority upon its request that will then communicate it to the >>> Issuer or deliberately communicates the SD-JWT to the Issuer. >>> >>> However, some mechanisms using zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP) may >>> be able >>> to support this property. >>> >>> It is important to note, for example, that a national authority can >>> require to get an access to the audit logs from both a Verifier and >>> an Issuer to know whether a same SD-JWT has been logged in both >>> files. >>> >>> Since the Issuer "needs to know its customer" (KYC), national >>> authorities may be able to identify an End-User who made an access >>> to a Verifier. >>> >>> Section 10.X (Storage of User Data) RECOMMENDS that after >>> verification, Verifiers SHOULD NOT store the SD-JWT.Depending upon >>> the context of use, this recommendation should or should not be >>> followed since there exist cases where such property will be non- >>> desirable in particular to fight against crime or money laundering. >>> >>> **37.**Section 10.2 >>> >>> 10.2.Storage of Signed User Data >>> >>> This section does not only consider the storage of *signed* user >>> data, >>> but also of user data that is *unsigned*. >>> >>> Change into: >>> >>> 10.2.Storage of User Data >>> ** >>> 38.**Section 10.2 >>> >>> Holders SHOULD store SD-JWTs only in encrypted form, and, wherever >>> possible, use hardware-backed encryption in particular for the >>> private Key Binding key. >>> >>> When a smartphone is used, a TEE can be used and the SD-JWTs can >>> be stored in it in clear text >>> since the TEE is protected from the RichOS.Encrypted forms are >>> not needed. >>> >>> Change into: >>> >>> Holders SHOULD store SD-JWTs and key pairs used for key binding >>> only >>> in a protected area such a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) . >>> ** >>> 39.**Section 10.2 >>> >>> After Verification, Verifiers SHOULD NOT store the Issuer-signed JWT >>> or the respective Disclosures if they contain privacy-sensitive >>> data. >>> It may be sufficient to store the result of the verification and any >>> End-User data that is needed for the application. >>> >>> In practice, a SD-JWT contains regular claims and selectively >>> disclosable claims while Disclosures >>> are sent separately. After verification, a Verifier needs to >>> store any End-User data >>> that is needed for the application. >>> >>> Change into: >>> >>> After Verification, Verifiers SHOULD NOT store the SD-JWT, nor the >>> KB-JWT. However, it may be necessary to store End-User data as >>> needed >>> for the application including regular claims and Disclosures. >>> >>> **40.**Section 10.3. (Confidentiality during Transport) >>> >>> Both confidentiality and integrity are important. Add integrity. >>> >>> Change into: >>> >>> 11.3.Confidentiality and integrity during Transport >>> >>> In the following text, change "confidentiality" into "integrity >>> and confidentiality". >>> >>> **41.**New Section 10.X (Issuer anonymity) >>> >>> This section should be placed before section 10.5 (Issuer >>> Identifier) >>> >>> Add a new section: >>> >>> 10.X.Issuer anonymity >>> >>> Issuer anonymity: incapability of a Verifier, to learn from which >>> Issuer a SD-JWT that has been presented by a Holder has been issued. >>> >>> Issuer anonymity cannot be supported using SD-JWTs, since a SD-JWT >>> is signed by its Issuer using an asymmetric algorithm. However, >>> some >>> mechanisms using group signature or ring signatures may be able to >>> support this property. >>> ** >>> 42.**Section 10.5 (Issuer Identifier) >>> >>> The last paragraph of this section states: >>> >>> To mitigate this issue, a group of issuers may elect to use a common >>> Issuer identifier.A group signature scheme outside the scope of >>> this specification may also be used, instead of an individual >>> signature. >>> >>> Given the proposal to add a section dedicated to "Issuer anonymity" >>> this paragraph can be removed. >>> >>> Remove this paragraph. >>> >>> END OF COMMENTS >>> * >>> * >>> Denis* >>> >>>> All, >>>> >>>> This is a *short second WG Last Call* for the *SD-JWT* document >>>> after the recent update based on the feedback provided during >>>> the first WGLC >>>> https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-13.txt >>>> >>>> Please, review this document and reply on the mailing list if >>>> you have any comments or concerns, by Oct 25th. >>>> >>>> Regards, >>>> Rifaat & Hannes >>>> >>>> _______________________________________________ OAuth mailing >>>> list -- oauth@ietf.org To unsubscribe send an email to >>>> oauth-leave@ietf.org >>> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> OAuth mailing list -- oauth@ietf.org >> To unsubscribe send an email to oauth-leave@ietf.org >> >> >> /CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email may contain confidential and >> privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). >> Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly >> prohibited. 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- [OAUTH-WG] Second WGLC for SD-JWT Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT Denis
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT Watson Ladd
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT: 41 issues … Denis
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT Denis
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT: 41 issues … Brian Campbell
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT: 41 issues … Denis
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT Watson Ladd
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT Brian Campbell
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT: 41 issues … Daniel Fett
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT Daniel Fett
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT: 41 issues … Tom Jones
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT: 41 issues … Daniel Fett
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT: 41 issues … Paul Bastian
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT: 41 issues … Brian Campbell
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: Second WGLC for SD-JWT: 41 issues … Denis