[OAUTH-WG] Salesforce.com rolling out Draft 10
Chuck Mortimore <cmortimore@salesforce.com> Mon, 20 September 2010 03:42 UTC
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From: Chuck Mortimore <cmortimore@salesforce.com>
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Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 20:42:48 -0700
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Just thought I'd let the list know that we rolled out Draft 10 to our first round of customer sandboxes this weekend. We'll continue to roll out to remaining sandboxes, and then our production servers over the next few weeks. All tenants should be live globally by Oct 9th. Along with a fairly complete implementation of draft 10, we also shipped a SAML Assertion Flow for 2-legged use-cases, as well as an early implementation of OpenID Connect. Thanks to everyone who's contributed to the spec! -cmort
- [OAUTH-WG] Salesforce.com rolling out Draft 10 Chuck Mortimore