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Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT
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*All,* *Below are my comments:* *1.Introduction* ** *The introduction is too long and far from being crystal clear. Text proposal: This document specifies the encoding of digital credentials issued by a digital credential issuer (Issuer) that allows an holder application (Holder) placed under the control of an End-User to selectively disclose to a Verifier claims contained in it. In this document, digital credentials are encoded as JSON Web Signature (JWS) [RFC7515] structures with JSON [RFC8259] objects as the payload. JSON Web Token (JWT) [RFC7519] is a very prevalent application of JWS with a JSON payload. When requesting a digital credential to an Issuer, the Holder CAN ask the Issuer to reveal a set of claims while obfuscating another set of claims. "Claims" here refers to both object properties (name/value pairs) as well as array elements.The Issuer then produces two elements: - a SD-JWT that contains both regular claims and digests of selectively-disclosable claims, - a set of regular claims for the selectively-disclosable claims. The resulting structure is called: SD-JWT + All.Claims When talking to a Verifier, the Holder CAN choose to selectively disclose some hidden claims by sending a subset of the disclosed claims. The resulting structure is called: SD-JWT + Sel.Claims When requesting a digital credential to an Issuer, the Holder CAN demonstrate to the Issuer that the request originates from a secure cryptographic application that supports specific characteristics. In that case, the Holder CAN include in his request a public key and demonstrate to the Issuer the knowledge of the corresponding private key. The Holder CAN then add a key-binding JWT, called KB-JWT, that allows to add further claims and to integrity protect the "SD-JWT + Sel.Claims" structure. In this way, the Verifier is able to make sure that the "SD-"JWT + Sel.Claims + KB-JWT" structure originates from a Holder that includes a secure cryptographic application with specific characteristics. The strength of the binding is dependent upon the characteristics of the secure cryptographic application. Such characteristics include the generation of key pairs, their protection as well as additional characteristics able to counter collaborative or collusions attacks between End-Users. 2.Terms and Definitions (...) Key Binding:Ability of the Holder to prove legitimate possession of an SD-JWT by proving control over a private key during the presentation.When utilizing Key Binding, an SD-JWT contains the public key corresponding to the private key controlled by the Holder (or a reference to this public key). Key Binding:Ability of an Holder to demonstrate to a Verifier either the knowledge of a private key corresponding to a public key contained in a SD-JWT or the ability to obtain a cryptographic result performed using that private key. _Explanations_: It is a Proof of Knowledge (PoK), it is not a Proof of Possession (PoP). Who possesses the private key is unknown. Even when the key is controlled by an End-user, the End-user can decide to perform cryptographic computations with the private key f or the benefit of one or more End-Users. If the set of claims does not allow to uniquely identify the End-user, he cannot be caught. Key Binding JWT (KB-JWT):A JWT for proving Key Binding as defined in Section 5.3.A Key Binding JWT is said to "be tied to" a particular SD-JWT when its payload includes a hash of the SD-JWT in its sd_hash claim. Referring to a subsequent Section is not adequate for a definition. The definition should be self-understandable. Key Binding JWT (KB-JWT):A JWT that allows a Holder to restrict the use of a SD-JWT to one or more designated Verifiers, to prevent the replay of a SD-JWT by a designated Verifier to non-designated Verifiers, to limit the use of the SD-JWT to a single exchange or during a time period; and allows the Verifier to make sure that these limitations are enforced by an entity that has the knowledge of a private key corresponding to a public key contained in the SD-JWT. Issuer:An entity that creates SD-JWTs. Replace with: Issuer:An entity that creates SD-JWTs and Disclosures. Holder:An entity that received SD-JWTs from the Issuer and has control over them.In the context of this document, the term may refer to the actual user, the supporting hardware and software in their possession, or both. Replace with: Holder:An application supported by some hardware that obtains SD-JWTs and Disclosures from an Issuer and is able to selectively disclose to a Verifier claims contained those SD-JWTs. In the context of this document, the Holder application is placed under the control of an End-User. _COMMENT_: It is important to make the difference between the (Holder) application supported by some hardware and the End-User that has the control of that (Holder) application. At a lower level of granularity, a (Holder) application can be composed of several hardware and software elements such as: TEE, Trusted OS, Trusted Applications, Rich OS, Untrusted Applications. Their characteristics are fundamental to successfully achieve or not "key binding". Verifier:An entity that requests, checks, and extracts the claims from an SD-JWT with its respective Disclosures. Replace with: Verifier:An entity that requests, receives a SD-JWT that contains selectively disclosable claims and uses Selective Disclosures to obtain one or more obfuscated claims. Add: End-User: an individual assumed to have the control of a Holder. Correct Figure 1 as below: 3.Flow Diagram +------------+ || |Issuer| || +------------+ | Issues SD-JWT + All.Disclosures | v +------------+ || |Holder|End-User || +------------+ | Presents SD-JWT + Sel.Disclosures + KB-JWT | v +-------------+ ||+ |Verifiers||+ |||| +-------------+|| +-------------+| +-------------+ Figure 1: SD-JWT Issuance and Presentation Flow (...) 5.SD-JWT and SD-JWT+KB Data Formats An SD-JWT is composed of *an Issuer-signed JWT, and *zero or more Disclosures. No. The Disclosures are outside the Issuer-signed JWT. An SD-JWT+KB is composed of *an SD-JWT (i.e., an Issuer-signed JWT and zero or more Disclosures), and *a Key Binding JWT. No. The string "SD-JWT+KB" should be replaced by "SD-JWT + KB-JWT". (...) 5.1.Issuer-signed JWT An SD-JWT has a JWT component that MUST be signed using the Issuer's private key.It MUST NOT use the none algorithm. The payload of an SD-JWT is a JSON object according to the following rules: 1.The payload MAY contain the _sd_alg key described in Section 5.1.1. 2.The payload MAY contain one or more digests of Disclosures to enable selective disclosure of the respective claims, created and formatted as described in Section 5.2. 3.The payload MAY contain one or more decoy digests to obscure the actual number of claims in the SD-JWT, created and formatted as described in Section 5.2.5. 4.The payload MAY contain one or more non-selectively disclosable claims. 5.The payload MAY contain the Holder's public key(s) or reference(s) thereto, as explained in Section 5.1.2. 6.The payload MAY contain further claims such as iss, iat, etc. as defined or required by the application using SD-JWTs. 7.The payload MUST NOT contain the reserved claims _sd or ... except for the purpose of transporting digests as described below. The payload MUST contain the claim name "scac". oClaim Name: "scac" oClaim Description: Secure cryptographic application characteristics This is a new claim name that shall be registered by IANA. This claim allows the Verifier to know the characteristics of the secure cryptographic application that has been used to request to an Issuer a SD-JWT with All.Disclosures. In practice, it indicates the characteristics of a Trusted Application running in a TEE under a Trusted OS. Without that information that Verifier would be unable to know the characteristics of the most important element from the Holder (application). 5.1.2.Key Binding (...) Note that, as was stated in [RFC7800], if an application needs to represent multiple proof-of-possession keys in the same SD-JWT, one way to achieve this is to use other claim names, in addition to cnf, to hold the additional proof-of-possession key information. Change the last line into: to hold the additional proof-of-knowledge key information. It is out of the scope of this document to describe how the Holder key pair is established.For example, the Holder MAY create a key pair and provide a public key to the Issuer, the Issuer MAY create the key pair for the Holder, or Holder and Issuer MAY use pre- established key material. Not really. The secure cryptographic application which is part of the Holder application SHALL generate the pair. This is a key point for using key binding. The private key from the key pair MUST NOT be exportable, unless specifically authorized (in particular for Holder back-up purposes). Remove this paragraph and replace it with: The key pair SHALL be generated by a secure cryptographic application that is part of the Holder and the characteristics of that application SHALL be included in SD-JWT using the claim "scac". 5.2.1.Disclosures for Object Properties Section 5.2.2 (Disclosures for Array Elements) contains a consideration that should also be applied to section 5.2.1 (Disclosures for Object Properties). Add the following text: The Issuer MUST hide the order of the obfuscated claims in the SD-JWT. To ensure this, it is RECOMMENDED to add decoy digests and to shuffle the digests included in the SD-JWT payload. It is also RECOMMENDED to use a fixed number of digests, so that the Verifier cannot deduce the value of an obfuscated claim name that won't be revealed. 5.3.Key Binding JWT (...) The Key Binding JWT MUST be a JWT according to [RFC7519] and its payload MUST contain the following elements: *in the JOSE header, (...) *in the JWT payload, -iat: REQUIRED.The value of this claim MUST be the time at which the Key Binding JWT was issued using the syntax defined in [RFC7519]. -aud: REQUIRED.The intended receiver of the Key Binding JWT. How the value is represented is up to the protocol used and out of scope of this specification. -nonce: REQUIRED.Ensures the freshness of the signature.The value type of this claim MUST be a string.How this value is obtained is up to the protocol used and out of scope of this specification. -sd_hash: REQUIRED.The base64url-encoded hash value over the Issuer-signed JWT and the selected Disclosures as defined below. Requiring a nonce allows to prevent replays.However, there exists some cases where the same SD-JWT should be usable by a set of Verifiers during some period of time.This case is currently not supported, but should be allowed.The main idea is to use EITHER a "nonce" OR "aud" + "nbf" + "exp". Note that **when a "nonce" is being used, **"aud" is NOT REQUIRED. Change into: *in the JWT payload, -iat: REQUIRED.The value of this claim MUST be the time at which the Key Binding JWT was issued using the syntax defined in [RFC7519]. -aud: OPTIONAL.The intended receiver of the Key Binding JWT. When the nonce claim is not present, the aud claim SHAL be present. How the value is represented is up to the protocol used and out of scope of this specification. -nonce: OPTIONAL.Ensures the freshness of the signature. When the nonce claim is not present, the aud, nbf and exp claims SHALL be presentThe value type of this claim MUST be a string. How this value is obtained is up to the protocol used and out of scope of this specification. -nbf : OPTIONAL. Indicates the beginning of the validity period of the KB-JWT. When the nonce claim is not present, the nbf claim SHALL be present. -exp : OPTIONAL.Indicates the end of the validity period of the KB-JWT. When the nonce claim is not present, the exp claim SHALL be present. -sd_hash: REQUIRED.The base64url-encoded hash value over the Issuer-signed JWT and the selected Disclosures as defined below. 5.3.2.Validating the Key Binding JWT The Verifier MUST ensure that the key with which it validates the signature on the Key Binding JWT is the key specified in the SD-JWT as the Holder's public key.For example, if the SD-JWT contains a cnf value with a jwk member, the Verifier would parse the provided JWK and use it to verify the Key Binding JWT. This description is insufficient. What about EITHER "nonce OR "aud" + "nbf" + "exp" ? (...) 8.1.Verification of the SD-JWT Upon receiving an SD-JWT, either directly or as a component of an SD- JWT+KB, a Holder or a Verifier needs to ensure that: *the Issuer-signed JWT is valid, i.e., it is signed by the Issuer and the signature is valid, and *all Disclosures are valid and correspond to a respective digest value in the Issuer-signed JWT (directly in the payload or recursively included in the contents of other Disclosures). The Holder or the Verifier MUST perform the following (or equivalent) steps when receiving an SD-JWT: 1.Separate the SD-JWT into the Issuer-signed JWT and the Disclosures (if any). 2.Validate the Issuer-signed JWT: 1.Ensure that a signing algorithm was used that was deemed secure for the application.Refer to [RFC8725], Sections 3.1 and 3.2 for details.The none algorithm MUST NOT be accepted. 2.Validate the signature over the Issuer-signed JWT per Section 5.2 of [RFC7515]. 3.Validate the Issuer and that the signing key belongs to this Issuer. 4.Check that the _sd_alg claim value is understood and the hash algorithm is deemed secure (see Section 5.1.1). This is insufficient. Add: Verify that the Issuer can be trusted. Verify that the claim "scac"contains an appropriate value. (...) 8.3.Verification by the Verifier Upon receiving a presentation from a Holder, in the form of either an SD-JWT or an SD-JWT+KB, in addition to the checks outlined in Section 8.1, Verifiers need to ensure that The vocabulary should be aligned with the acronyms from Figure 1: SD-JWT Issuance and Presentation Flow. (...) 10.5.Key Binding Key Binding aims to ensure that the presenter of an SD-JWT credential is actually the legitimate Holder of the credential.An SD-JWT compatible with Key Binding contains a public key, or a reference to a public key, that corresponds to a private key possessed by the Holder.The Verifier requires that the Holder prove possession of that private key when presenting the SD-JWT credential. Without Key Binding, a Verifier only gets the proof that the credential was issued by a particular Issuer, but the credential itself can be replayed by anyone who gets access to it.This means that, for example, after a credential was leaked to an attacker, the attacker can present the credential to any verifier that does not require a binding.But also a malicious Verifier to which the Holder presented the credential can present the credential to another Verifier if that other Verifier does not require Key Binding. These sentences are incorrect. Let us suppose that an End-User A connects to a Verifier in order to perform an operation. The Verifier then returns a selection of issuer names, claim names and a nonce. Let us now assume that an End-User B accepts to collaborate with the End-User A.The End-User A transmits the nonce to the End-User B which provides to the End-User A a "SD-JWT + Sel.Disc. + KB-JWT". Then, the End-User A can take benefit of claims that belong to the End-User B. The Verifier is not in a position to know who is "the legitimate Holder of the credential" ... unless the set of disclosed claims allows to unambiguously identify the End-User. The collusion attack has been described on this mailing list on 07 November 2016. The ABC attack (the Alice and Bob Collusion attack). See: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/oauth/UIsbsVtINPifrCjG7GDZM7FOi2g/. A few extracts: Whatever kind of cryptographic is being used, when two users collaborate, a software-only solution will be unable to prevent the transfer of an attribute of a user that possess it to another user that does not possess it . The use of a secure element simply protecting the confidentiality and the integrity of some secret key or private key will be ineffective to counter the Alice and Bob collusion attack. Additional properties will be required for the secure element. Change into: Key Binding aims to ensure that the presenter of a SD-JWT + Sel.Claims + KB-JWT to a Verifier has either the knowledge of a private key corresponding to a public key contained in a SD-JWT or the ability to obtain a cryptographic result performed using that private key. An SD-JWT compatible with Key Binding contains a public key, or a reference to a public key, that corresponds to a private key known by some entity.The Verifier requires that the Holder prove the knowledge of that private key when presenting an SD-JWT + Sel.Claims + KB-JWT structure to a Verifier. Without Key Binding, a Verifier only gets the proof that the credential was issued by a particular Issuer, but the credential itself can be replayed by anyone who gets access to it. With Key Binding, if two End-Users accept to collaborate, unless additional characteristics are supported by the Holders, a credential can voluntarily be transmitted by the legitimate Holder of a private key to another Holder. (...) The following types of unlinkability are considered here: *Presentation Unlinkability: A Verifier should not be able to link two presentations of the same credential. This sentence is incorrect. If it is the same credential, then it is always possible to link the same credential. Change into: *Presentation Unlinkability: A Verifier should not be able to link two presentations of the same set of claims, when that set does not allow to unambiguously identify an individual. *Verifier/Verifier Unlinkability: Two colluding Verifiers should not be able to learn that they have received presentations of the same credential. Change into: *Verifier/Verifier Unlinkability: Two colluding Verifiers should not be able to link two presentations of the same set of claims, when that set does not allow to unambiguously identify an individual. *Issuer/Verifier Unlinkability (Colluding/Compromised Verifier): An Issuer of a credential should not be able to tell that a user presented the credential to a certain Verifier, even if the Verifier colludes with the Issuer or becomes compromised and leaks stored credentials from presentations. _COMMENT_: If the Verifier is dishonest or compromised, it can contact the Issuer and disclose the SD-JWT to the Issuer. Looking at the paragraph placed after the next paragraph, the text states that this property cannot be supported when using SD-JWTs, so why is it mentioned ? It should rather be deleted. FYI, that paragraph states: Issuer/Verifier unlinkability with a colluding or compromised Verifier cannot be achieved in salted-hash based selective disclosure approaches, such as SD-JWT, as the issued credential with the Issuer's signature is directly presented to the Verifier, who can forward it to the Issuer. The text continues with: In considering Issuer/Verifier unlinkability, it is important to note the potential for an asymmetric power dynamic between Issuers and Verifiers.This dynamic can compel an otherwise honest Verifier into collusion.For example, a governmental Issuer might have the authority to mandate that a Verifier report back information about the credentials presented to it.Legal requirements could further enforce this, explicitly undermining Issuer/Verifier unlinkability. Similarly, a large service provider issuing credentials might implicitly pressure Verifiers into collusion by incentivizing participation in their larger ecosystem.Deployers of SD-JWT must be aware of these potential power dynamics, mitigate them as much as possible, and/or make the risks transparent to the End-User. A name should be given to that characteristic, for example: *Issuer/Verifier Unlinkability (Verifier constrained by a national authority) The text quoted above should be rearranged to described it. 11.3.Confidentiality during Transport Change into: 11.3.Confidentiality and integrity during Transport In the following text, change "confidentiality" into "integrity and confidentiality". END OF COMMENTS Denis * > All, > > As per the discussion in Vancouver, this is a WG Last Call for the > *SD-JWT *document. > https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-11.html > > Please, review this document and reply on the mailing list if you have > any comments or concerns, by *Sep 17th*. > > Regards, > Rifaat & Hannes > > _______________________________________________ > OAuth mailing list --oauth@ietf.org > To unsubscribe send an email tooauth-leave@ietf.org
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Jeffrey Victorino
- [OAUTH-WG] WGLC for SD-JWT Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Jeffrey Victorino
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Brian Campbell
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Neil Madden
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Judith Kahrer
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Judith Kahrer
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Brian Campbell
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Brian Campbell
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Brian Campbell
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Brian Campbell
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Dick Hardt
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Denis
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Brian Campbell
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Brian Campbell
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Denis
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Michael Jones
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Dick Hardt
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Brian Campbell
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Watson Ladd
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Brian Campbell
- [OAUTH-WG] Re: WGLC for SD-JWT Watson Ladd